
Is there a connection between old emotions and colon cleansing?

A fascinating puzzle piece illuminating the mind/body connection excerpted from: The Key to Excellent Health: Cleansing the Colon by Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D.[1]

Nothing has changed since Dr. John Harvey Kellogg said a century ago that ”90% of diseases are due to improper functioning of the colon". It has always been an axiom of naturopathic medicine and most forms of natural healing that the digestive system is the foundation for good or bad health. In 1987, I developed a four-phase, four-week colon cleansing protocol using herbs, electrolytes, probiotics, and nutrients. The benefits of cleansing are numerous.

Is there a connection between old emotions and colon cleansing?

Yes. You will find that in many cases a colon cleanse will purge old emotions and attitudes stored in the intestines.

Consider this case: Jessie, 20, was a vegan yet was bothered by digestive problems and candidiasis. Candidiasis, or the overgrowth of Candida albicans in the intestines, is a condition often reversed by an intense colon cleanse.

During the first two weeks of the cleanse, Jessie began feeling better, but the turnaround came in week three. Jessie passed what looked like three white cotton balls (presumably Candida masses lodged in her colon), and thereafter had no more candidiasis symptoms.

In addition to her physical improvements, Jessie had an emotional benefit as well. She felt an increase in will power, a clarity in her feelings, a new desire to be of service to others, and a release of long-held resentments.

These points highlight an important aspect of colon cleansing. Many people, after completing a cleanse, feel energized, uplifted, and freed of old patterns, thoughts, feelings, and memories that have held them back. When a person is on a course of personal growth and wants to change their consciousness but is stuck in old negative patterns of thinking and feeling, there is nothing that will get them unstuck and change them faster than a colon cleanse.

In my observation of many individuals doing the colon cleanse, a negative state of consciousness is often, at an energy level, at the root of whatever physical problem they suffer from. Every thought or feeling we have has the potential of moving from the mind into the physical structure of the body where it can provoke illness. I estimate that about 70% of those doing the intensive colon cleanse will experience long-forgotten memories and buried emotions.

Often the memories and emotions surface into awareness with all their original charge and soon afterwards you pass a large section of mucoid plaque. As it passes out of your body, so go the emotions. In most cases, you don’t reexperience those particular emotional memories.

Here is what I think happens. It is as though you can magnetize proteins or undigested food left in the intestines with certain thoughts and feelings. These proteins hold onto the feelings for as long as the proteins remain in the intestines, and the old emotions and thoughts continually radiate through the body and mind.

They remain literally—tangibly—stuck in your body, somehow bound up with the mucoid plaque and contributing, though not often usefully, to the personality. Both the individual’s biochemistry and psyche are continuously negatively affected by these residues of emotionally magnetized matter.

Let’s say you were 13 and had a traumatic or deeply embarrassing experience. At some level, every cell in your body was affected by the emotions of that event. It is conceivable that some intestinal matter imprinted by that experience remains in your intestines, wrapped inside mucoid plaque and bearing the memory of the original pain (even though you are now 45 and barely remember the episode).

The personality and one’s operating belief system, after all, are controlled mainly by a massive accumulation of past thoughts and feelings. To a large extent, intestinal matter helps hold these feelings in place. The colon cleanse, by purging the intestines of the mucoid plaque, flushes out this accumulation of old negative thoughts and feelings.

Dr. Anderson is the originator and director of Arise & Shine, a company that produces the Cleanse Thyself Program™ colon detoxification system. Dr. Anderson is also the author of Cleanse and Purify Thyself.

*Dr. Anderson coined the term mucoid plaque, meaning a film of mucus, to describe the unhealthy accumulation of abnormal mucous matter on the walls of the intestines. Conventional medicine knows this as a layering of mucin or glycoproteins (made up of 20 amino acids and 50% carbohydrates) which are naturally and appropriately secreted by intestines as protection from acids and toxins.

More on Detoxification and Colon Cleansing Via Colonic Irrigation.

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