Spirituality (III)

Bruno Groening & the "Healing Stream"

Have faith and trust, the divine power helps and heals ... any disease can be healed — but not every person...
Bruno Gröning translated by Healing Cancer Naturally

Welcome to Healing Cancer Naturally's "Healing Stream" pages, the third part of its larger Spirituality section. All articles published under this third subdivision are devoted to the medically verified healings of all manner of ailments occurring through the “Healing Stream” and the spiritual teachings of Bruno Groening.

Healing the Spiritual Way – through the Teachings of Bruno Groening – medically verifiable (I)

By Liz Sterling

Have you bought bottled water lately? Did you know that some gourmet brands cost $3.00 or more per gallon? Water… something we always thought would be free. And with the financial demands that drive our internal engines of worry fear and doubt, it’s no wonder we have dis-ease in our lives.

The good news is the new millennium has uncovered contemporary ideas that are rooted in ancient antiquity. Today, as we watch television or peruse the bookstores, we find a proliferation of intriguing material on miraculous healings. Maybe this is what we have lost; the connection with the greater possibilities that can lift our spirits and heal our souls.

Fortunately, new partnerships are emerging in our world. It has been hundreds of years since science and medicine have aligned to document miraculous healings. Yet today, more than 6,000 physicians and healing professionals document and medically verify healings that happen spontaneously and solely with the help of something that is absolutely free.

Just as the air you breathe is available 24/7, so is the Healing Stream; a term commonly used by the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. This non-profit organization has introduced over 100,000 people in 60 countries to the teaching of a man who lived humbly and cured many.

In 1949 the name Bruno Groening became a household word in Germany overnight. Reports about him appeared in the press, in newsreels and on the radio. Events surrounding the "Miracle Doctor" as he soon came to be called, kept the whole country in suspense.

Bruno Groening’s teachings explain how an individual is able to obtain good health by tuning in to The Healing Stream. To absorb this healing stream, the person seeking help sits with his hands open, palms upward. His arms and legs are not crossed, for this blocks the free flow of the healing stream. Thoughts about illness and personal problems have an inhibiting effect, while thoughts about something pleasant are beneficial. (more details under Tuning in to the Healing Stream).

Physicians connected with the Medical Scientific Group of Specialists (MWF) record healings as they occur. In their time off, they travel worldwide and hold lectures about Bruno Groening, his teachings and the healings. Learn more about your right to claim what is still free…the air you breathe, the thoughts you think and the health of your life, body and family.

All lectures and teachings are free — always! No price to pay…Heal the Bruno Groening way!

Healing the Spiritual Way – through the Teachings of Bruno Groening – medically verifiable (II)

by Liz Sterling

My story, like many fairy tales, is fraught with loss, pain, and uncertainty. Yet I too have a happy ending. My mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when I was 12 years old. I watched as she lost her ability to walk, speak or manage life. I was angry, lonely, sad and confused. So I left home and moved in with a girlfriend and her family. My breasts were budding, hormones raging and I had no one to guide me. Life became my teacher.

Then, in 1991, I had what is commonly referred to as a ”spiritual emergence.” Hungry for information so I could put the pieces of my life puzzle together, I ravenously began to gulp down every teaching that came my way. I remember Ram Dass saying, ”Life is like a smorgasbord in the early stages of spiritual awakening, so go — bring yourself to the banquet and taste it all.”

My teachers were Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Jerry Jampolosky, Melody Beattie, John Bradshaw, a Buddhist Monk, a Rabbi, a Priest, a Guru… you name it, I tried it. I learned about the infinite possibilities, the energy world, the esoteric world, the occult, crystals, meditation, tai chi, journaling, zazen, hatha yoga, kundalini, Kali and the list goes on. I am laughing as I write this; remembering my quest, my thirst, and my vulnerability.

I made learning my career and became a radio talk show host. I interviewed all the New Thought and New Age authors who rose to fame from 1994-2003. Every day, I would learn about healing our shadow, loving ourselves, cultivating compassion and gratitude, getting over procrastination, fulfill our dreams to connect with others… to be happy….you know the whole kit and caboodle.

And one day, just two years ago, I received a call from a lovely man named M. Kamp. He represented the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends and requested an interview on the radio. This was the first time I received a call from overseas on my cell phone and I was intrigued. What was this Circle of Friends?

Just a few weeks later, Mr. Kamp was in my radio studio. He introduced me to the teachings of Bruno Groening. Here’s what I learned:

In 1949 the name Bruno Groening became a household word in Germany overnight. Reports about him appeared in the press, in newsreels and on the radio. Events surrounding the "Miracle Doctor" as he soon came to be called, kept the whole country in suspense.

Bruno Groening, born in 1906 in Danzig, was a simple workman who moved to Western Germany as a refugee after World War II. Then, suddenly he was the centre of public attention. The news of his miraculous healings spread all over the world. From every country came sick people, petitions and proposals. Tens of thousands made the pilgrimage to the places where he worked. A revolution in medicine was impending.

But counterforces were at work. Influential doctors, church officials, lawyers and his previous fellow workers did their utmost to foil his activities. He was dogged by court cases and healing bans. All efforts to incorporate his work into the existing social structure failed. He died in Paris in 1959.

The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends continues the work begun by Bruno Groening. They meet regularly, either with the aim of regaining their health through his teachings, or because they have already done so and want to bring help to other suffering people.

The head of the Circle of Friends is Grete Häusler. She met Bruno Groening in August 1950 and at this first meeting was spontaneously healed from three chronic illnesses. In the years that followed she worked closely with him and committed to bring his teachings to people seeking help. This led to her founding the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends in 1979.

Today there are several hundred communities in Germany, in neighboring European countries and increasingly, world-wide. The United States now has numerous communities and I am a community leader in Boca Raton, FL. Almost sixty thousand people meet regularly to spend time together in their local groups.

The teachings of Bruno Groening are based on the influence that spiritual forces have on incarnate beings. This influence is greater than most people realize.

Bruno Groening compared a person with a battery. Everyone burns up vital energy. However, new energy to replace it is often insufficiently absorbed. In the same way that an empty battery is incapable of functioning, a body without energy is also unable to fulfill its tasks.

The consequences are: fatigue, exhaustion, nervousness, anxieties and finally, illness.

Bruno Groening’s teachings explain how an individual is able to obtain new energy. The human body is constantly exposed to healing waves which only have to be absorbed. According to Bruno Groening, no illness is incurable, and this fact is confirmed by the healings that have occurred and have been medically verified. These healings are spiritual and therefore independent of Bruno Groening’s physical presence.

In order to remain healthy, the friends of Bruno Groening ”tune in” to the healing stream every day. The aim of the teachings of Bruno Groening is to transform a sick person into somebody who is full of the joy of living and free from physical and emotional problems.

In order to absorb this healing stream, the person seeking help sits with his hands open, palms upward. His arms and legs are not crossed, for this blocks the free flow of the healing stream. Thoughts about illness and personal problems have an inhibiting effect, while thoughts about something pleasant are beneficial.

As the healing stream flows through the body it makes contact with the sick organ and begins its purification effect. This may lead to pain, which is an indication that the body is being cleansed. Since the illness as such is not the will of God, it can be gradually removed. In some cases this can be spontaneous.

This is why it is essential that the person concerned does not dwell on his illness but should rather believe that for God, no illness is incurable.

In order to remain healthy, the friends of Bruno Groening tune in to the healing stream every day. A healthy body is the basis for all life in harmony with oneself, other human beings and Nature.

Physicians connected in the Medical Scientific Group of Specialists (MWF) check the healings which occur. In their time off they travel wherever people need help and hold lectures about Bruno Groening, his teachings and the healings worldwide.

My story concludes:

When Matthias Kamp and the teachings of Bruno Groening entered my life, it was chaotic, frenetic and downright uncomfortable. My children and I were constantly fighting, my mother was struggling, my husband and I were together in the same home… living separate lives and my career was no longer satisfying. I was held together with dissolving glue.

Then I found clarity, and balance. I learned that the healing stream is available 24/7. It is available for all of us. We have been born with the right to experience peace, love and harmony in our lives; emotionally, physically and mentally. Dig deep and find the true source of life’s gifts.

Above all, my mom has begun to walk again with a walker and has strength beyond my comprehension. Today, I am a different woman. I have healed with my family; especially with mom who also tunes into the ”healing stream” every day. At 70, she had found new love in a wonderful relationship with a man who cares for her and respects her — just the way she is. And that’s Bruno Groening for you… you get what you only dreamed happens in fairy tales.

Learn more about The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends: All teachings and classes are free — always! www.bruno-groening.org/english Information available in 26 languages. The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends healing examples are available to the public on its web site. With the help of a special search program, anyone can find relevant Success Reports by using the names of ailments as keywords.

Youtube and other videos and related info

  • www.bruno-groening.org/en/press/tv-and-radio-broadcasts
  • www.bruno-groening.org/en/healings/physical-healings
  • www.bruno-groening.org/en/healings/psychological-healings
  • www.bruno-groening.org/en/healings/healings-of-addiction
  • www.bruno-groening.org/en/healings/scientific-documentation/the-medical-scientific-group

Is there a cure for cancer? After 20 years of research

discover what this German expert thinks.

Lectures in Fall 2004 USA and Canada (sorted by state)

held by the medical scientific group of specialists belonging to the Bruno Groening circle of Friends as part of an international series of lectures in over 60 countries. Spiritual Healing – medically verifiable: physicians and healing practitioners report on their experiences with the spiritual teachings of Bruno Groening and the “Healing Stream” in over 400 lectures worldwide.

(These addresses remain listed here even years later since they may still provide valid contact data.)

United States of America

  • District of Columbia (Washington D.C.)
    Saturday, November 13th, 7 p.m. Old Parish House, 4711 Knox Road, College Park, Washington, Contact-ph: 301.226.8590
  • Florida (Miami)
    Thursday, Oct. 21st, 7 p.m. Jackson Memorial Hospital, Room D259 in ”The Diagnostic and Treatment Center” 1080 NW 19 St. at U of M, Miami Contact: 954.587.4325
  • Florida (Orlando)
    Saturday, Oct. 23rd 7 p.m. Orlando Regional Medical Center (ORMC), 1414 Kuhl Ave, Orlando ph: 407.617.1323
  • Georgia (Atlanta)
    Sunday, Oct. 24th 3 p.m. Emory University Clinic, Bldg A, Brown Auditorium, 1365 Clifton Rd, Atlanta
    contact: 678.378.2839
  • Illinois (Chicago)
    Friday, Oct. 1st, 7 p.m. Healing Earth Resources, 3111 N. Ashland Ave, Chicago Contact: 773.506.0965
  • Iowa (Des Moines)
    Thursday, Oct. 14th 6.30 p.m. Holiday Inn, Room Johnston, 5000 Merle Hay Rd, Des Moines
    Friday, Oct. 15th 6.30 p.m. Holiday Inn, Room Johnston Contact: 515.288.2565
  • Louisiana (New Orleans)
    Friday, Oct. 15th, 7.30 p.m. Loyola University, Monroe Science Bldg, Room 157, Saint Charles Ave, New Orleans Contact: 972.930.0112
  • Maryland (Baltimore)
    Saturday, Nov. 13th, 11 a.m. Howard Community College, Instructional Lab Bldg, First Floor, Room ILB- 100 ”Multipurpose Room”, 10901 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia Contact: 443.394.1232
  • Massachusetts (Boston)
    Fri, Nov. 12th, 7 p.m. Charles River School of Shiatsu, 585 Mass Ave 4th Floor, Cambridge Contact: 508.966.4644
  • Michigan (Detroit)
    Sunday, Oct. 3rd, 3 p.m. Best Western ConCorde Inn, 1919 Start-Batt-Dr. Rochester Hills Contact: 248.601.3821
  • Michigan (Detroit)
    Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 2 p.m. Body-Mind-Spirit-Festival, Macomb Community College, Sports and Expo Center South Campus, 14500 E, 12 Mile Rd, Warren, Contact: 248.601.3821
  • Minnesota (Minneapolis )
    Tue Oct. 12th, 7 p.m. Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan ph: 651.224.6245 or 612.870.1905
  • Missouri (Kansas City)
    Saturday, Oct. 16th, 5 p.m. Saint Joseph Health-Center, Alex George Auditorium — Bldg D, 1000 Carondelet Dr. Kansas City Contact: 913.341.2774
  • Nevada (Las Vegas)
    Saturday, Oct. 9th, 7 p.m. Holistic Garden, 5615 South Pecos Rd, Las Vegas Contact: 702.452.3658
  • New Mexico (Santa Fe)
    Monday, Oct. 11th, 7 p.m., Wild Oats, 1090 St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe
  • New York (Buffalo)
    Mon. Oct. 4th, 7.30 p.m. University at Buffalo, N Campus, Student Union, Room 330, Buffalo ph: 716.283.6382
  • New York (Rochester)
    Tuesday, Oct. 5th, 3 p.m. Seneca Tower, Community Room, 2nd floor, 200 Seth Green Drive, Rochester
  • New York (Rochester)
    Tue. Oct. 5th 7.30 p.m. Town Hall of Brighton (Auditorium), 2300 Elmwood Ave, Rochester ph: 585.467.3614
  • North Carolina (Raleigh)
    Sunday, Nov. 14th 7 p.m. Holiday Inn Research – Tringale Park, 4810 Page Rd. Raleigh, Contact: 919.363.6137
  • Oregon (Eugene)
    Wednesday, Oct. 6th, 7 p.m. Four Winds Yoga/Tamarack Wellness Center, 3575 Donald St, Eugene
  • Oregon (Portland)
    Tuesday, Oct. 5th, 7 p.m. Unity World Healing Center, 366 3rd St. Lake Oswego, Contact: 503.247.3038
  • Texas (Austin)
    Thursday, Oct. 21st, 7 p.m. Unity Center, 9603 Dessau Road, Austin Contact: 512.996.8004
  • Texas (Dallas)
    Friday, Oct. 22nd, 7 p.m. Holiday Inn Select, Dallas Central, University Amphitheater, 10650 N Central Expressway, Dallas Contact: 972.930.0112
    Texas (Houston)
    Sunday, Oct. 17th, 5 p.m. Center Point, Room 2, 1920 Hollister, Houston Contact: 972.930.0112
  • Texas (San Antonio)
    Tuesday, Oct. 19th, 7 p.m. Wellesly Inn Airport, ”Sunrise Room”, 2635 NE Loop 410, San Antonio
  • Washington (Seattle)
    Sunday, Oct. 3rd, 7 p.m. Lakeland Info and Community Center, 5801 Lakeland Hills Way, Seattle, Contact: 253.876.0430


  • Alberta (Calgary)
    Mon. October 4th, 7 p.m. Austrian-Canadian Cultural Centre, 3112 – 11 St N.E., Calgary Contact: 403.289.1836
  • British Columbia (Vancouver)
    Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 7 p.m. Hotel Hampton Inn, 111 Robson Street, Vancouver, Contact: 604.921.6088
  • British Columbia (Vancouver Island)
    Thu. Sept. 30th, 7 p.m. Bowen Park Complex, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island ph: 250 756 2236 or 604.921.6088
  • Ontario (Hamilton)
    Wed. Oct. 6th, 7 p.m. Unity on the Mountain, Retreat Centre, 21 Rosedene Ave, Hamilton Contact: 905.318.3354
  • Ontario (Hamilton)
    Friday, Oct. 8th 7 p.m. Unity on the Mountain, Retreat Centre, 21 Rosedene Ave, Hamilton Contact: 905.318.3354
  • Ontario (Toronto)
    Thursday. Oct. 7th, 7 p.m. ”Bozic Art”, 385 The West Mall, unit 267, Etobicoke, Toronto, Contact: 416.757.5779 or ..484.9276´
  • Ontario (Ottawa)
    Wednesday, Oct. 13th, 7 p.m. RA-Center, Outaouais Room, 2451 Riverside Dr, Ottawa Contact: 613.731.2447
  • Quebec (Montréal)
    Tuesday, Oct. 14th, 7 p.m. Centre Saint Pierre, 1212 Rue Panet, Salle 304, Montréal Contact: 418.831.9269
  • Quebec (Trois-Rivières)
    Saturday, Oct. 16th, 7 p.m. Auberge des Gouverneurs, 975 rue Hart, Trois-Rivières Contact: 819.376.6944

Poster USA download
announcing the free lecture “Spiritual Healing – medically verifiable” where physicians and healing practitioners (members of the medical scientific group of specialists belonging to the Bruno Groening circle of Friends) report on their experiences with the spiritual teachings of Bruno Groening and the “Healing Stream” in over 400 lectures worldwide. You need adobe reader to open and print the poster. Feel free to distribute in your neighbourhood etc. to share the good news of spiritual healing with the Healing Stream. Download poster.

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