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Vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7 or MK-7) against cancer

The new jack-of-all-health-trades

by copyright 2024 © Healing Cancer Naturally

Vitamin K, an essential, lipid-soluble nutrient comes in different forms, with vitamin K2-7 (also known as menaquinone) being the most abundant form of vitamin K in our tissues — and apparently the most powerful in terms of health.

Vitamin K2 positively affects and prevents many diseases

Evidence from clinical studies has been accumulating showing health-beneficial effects of vitamin K2-7 supplementation in a wide variety of diseases. Ranging from osteoporosis[1] (vitamin K2-7 reduces bone fracture risk and facilitates the deposition of calcium in the bones and teeth[2]), to peripheral neuropathy, cardiovascular disease[3] (K2 prevents vascular calcification), Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders incl. Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis[4], diabetes[5]), and arthritis[6]) all the way to inflammation (K2 suppresses proinflammatory mediators) and even cancer[7] (K2 inter alia promotes cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis in cancer cells).

In fact, these results point to a need for K2-7 supplementation in the diet, no matter what our current health status may be.[8]

Spotlight on vitamin K2's amazing potential in cancer:
some sample studies

Higher vitamin k2 intake helps prevent cancer and cancer deaths

Dietary vitamin K intake in relation to cancer incidence and mortality: results from the Heidelberg cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-Heidelberg)

Based on the anti-cancer effects of vitamin K2 already observed in a number of cancer cell lines, researchers undertook to assess the influence of vitamin K1 and K2 intake on cancer incidence and mortality.

After following nearly 25,000 participants for an average of 10+ years, both cancer risk and death from cancer were found to be reduced with increasing intake of vitamin K2. This effect was even more pronounced in men since it was particularly evident in prostate and lung cancer. No correlation could be found between vitamin K1 intake and cancer incidence and mortality.

Please note that apparently, these people did not take supplements but obtained their vitamin K2 from eating cheese.

Vitamin K2 — a likely candidate for the prevention and treatment of cancer

Research progress on the anticancer effects of vitamin K2

A review summarizing studies into vitamin K2's inhibitory effects on cancer in humans (resp. animals inoculated with malignant cells).

Similar to other studies (see below), the researchers found that combining chemotherapy with vitamin K2 may achieve better results and reduce side effects.

Vitamin K: A novel cancer chemosensitizer

This 2022 review discusses vitamin K as a potential agent to overcome drug resistance (considered the "bane" of chemotherapy as a cancer treatment). Various combination therapies have been tried including more recently vitamin K given in conjunction with chemotherapeutic drugs. This approach proved to be both safe and extremely efficient in overcoming chemo drug resistance, thus creating better outcomes. Vitamin K in combination with chemotherapy improved the latter's efficacy by promoting apoptosis and cell cycle arrest.

Apoptosis induction of vitamin K2 in lung carcinoma cell lines: the possibility of vitamin K2 therapy for lung cancer

While vitamin K2 has already been shown to have beneficial effects on patients with acute leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes, this 2003 study looked into the in-vitro effects of vitamin K2 on several lung cancer cell lines.

Treatment with vitamin K2 on its own resulted in cell growth suppression in a dose-dependent manner, but, similarly to the above studies, combining vitamin K2 with chemotherapy (cisplatin) further enhanced the cytocidal effect of each agent used by itself.

The study authors urge the medical community to take advantage of vitamin K2 for the treatment of lung cancer patients since vitamin K2 not only shows these positive effects but also is a safe medicine.

Role of Vitamin K in Selected Malignant Neoplasms in Women

This 2022 review points out that according to population studies, a reduced vitamin K intake may increase the risk of developing diseases typically attributed to old age such as dementia, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and atherosclerosis. Additionally (as noted by other researchers, see above), more and more studies suggest that vitamin K may not only help in preventing certain cancers but actually support conventional cancer chemotherapy.

Summarizing 20 years of studies on vitamin K's anticancer effects on breast, cervical, and ovarian cancer, the authors conclude that vitamin K possesses great potential as an anti-cancer agent.

Vitamin K2 enhances the tumor suppressive effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 in triple negative breast cancer cells

This study found that adding vitamin K2 to vitamin D3 improved the growth-inhibiting effect of vitamin D3 in triple negative breast cancer cells.

Vitamin K2 inhibits the growth and invasiveness of hepatocellular carcinoma cells via protein kinase A activation

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common human malignancy with a high mortality rate. This study examined the effects of vitamin K2 supplementation on HCC cells in vitro and in vivo and found that it inhibits the growth and invasion of HCC cells. When given to nude mice inoculated with liver tumor cells, vitamin K2 reduced both weight loss and tumor growth.

A note on "miraculous" fracture healing

In his landmark book series "Hidden Therapies", eminent author Jerzy Zieba writes hat he has seen cases of fractures where patients who took 500 mg K2-MK7 per day obtained "miraculous results" which surprised not only them but also their doctors.

How to take vitamin K2

Jerzy Zieba advises the following regarding supplementing with vitamin K2:

  • The best form of vitamin K2 is the MK-7form.
  • About 100 micrograms per day of vitamin K2 is enough.
  • If you're taking vitamin D supplements, increase the dose of vitamin K2 to 200 or 300 micrograms.
  • K2, being fat-soluble, should be eaten with a meal containing fat.

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1 Efficacy and safety of vitamin K2 for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at a long-term follow-up: meta-analysis and systematic review

2 Dr Weston A. Price's powerful cavity healer Activator X: Vitamin K2 — an essential nutrient at

3 Vitamin K2-a neglected player in cardiovascular health: a narrative review

4 The emerging relationship between vitamin K and neurodegenerative diseases: a review of current evidence & Vitamin K2 in multiple sclerosis patients


6 Menaquinone-7 as a novel pharmacological therapy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: A clinical study

7 The anticancer effects of vitamin K

8 Molecular Pathways and Roles for Vitamin K2-7 as a Health-Beneficial Nutraceutical: Challenges and Opportunities

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