
“For our best and highest good“

Positive perception of negative health events helped heal cancer and RA

Introduction by © 2008 Healing Cancer Naturally

The following is a loving son’s beautiful account of his mother’s rapid healing from cancer (lymphoma) and rheumatoid arthritis. In my eyes, it furnishes another example of mind and/or spirit power erasing signs of disease that manifested in the physical.

As such it could be equally well placed in this site’s Spirituality section. Interestingly, what I see as its “lesson” tallies with what one of my favourite “inspirers” says, namely that if you believe that something is for your highest good, you make it so...

Of course, proponents of chemotherapy will and apparently have attribute(d) the patient’s recovery from lymphoma and her simultaneously occurring remission from rheumatoid arthritis, to the use of this highly toxic agent fraught with potentially lethal side effects (although chemotherapeutic agents are normally used in lower doses for the “treatment” of rheumatoid arthritis than those employed in conventional cancer treatment).

Mijo Is This Magic?

by Al Diaz www.thetitusconcept.com

The title of this story is a question my mom asked me when we came home after she received wonderful news from two of her doctors. In English it means “Son, is this magic?”.

Here is the story…

In April 2004 I moved my mom into my home, and at that time she was suffering from depression, had a stroke a few months earlier, beginning stages of Alzheimer’s, her mobility was degrading, and she had rheumatoid arthritis or RA.

By January 2005 she had become a different person and much healthier, her depression was gone, no signs of a stroke, Alzheimer’s was staying at the beginning stages, her mobility upgraded, and her RA was improving.

All of this was taking place by guiding her to take command of her Life, and that everything she had gone through was brought on by her own self. She resisted that last concept, but she was amazed at the improvement.

A few months later in mid-April 2005 my mom began a cough that would not go away and at the end of the month we took her to urgent care to make sure she was ready to go on a trip with us. She ended up getting admitted to the hospital with her left lung filled with some unknown fluid, and three days later she was diagnosed with Lymphoma (cancer).

A week later she was in the hospital getting her first round of chemo.

That first day I was in the hospital room with her and looking at her with tubes and needles in both arms, and seeing a very angry and confused woman, physically trying to remove herself from the hospital bed, and yelling at me 'Why are you trying to kill me?!'

I got to the point where I bowed my head and closed my eyes, and asked Spirit why is this happening? Everything was going so well, why now? I couldn't understand. I told Spirit 'I have done everything you have asked of me', 'I don't understand!'

I looked up at my mom who was angrily ignoring me, took a deep breath and said "Spirit where is the Love in all this? Where is the opportunity in all this? Where is the blessing in all this?" 'I don't understand, but I TRUST you will show me'.

Sometime in July 2005 I had fallen asleep and took a power nap, I woke up with my whole body vibrating, in the ensuing weeks my Life began to shift with amazing clarity, and in August 2005 the clarity of The Titus Concept came to me.

September 2005 is the sixth round of chemo for mom, and in October 2005 the doctor tells my mom and I she is in full remission from Lymphoma, with the added blessing from her other doctor that the chemo also put her rheumatoid arthritis in remission. That evening after we had called our family members and told them the good news, she looked at me and said ‘Mijo is this magic?’, I just replied and said ‘This is all you mom, you did it’.

We all celebrated Christmas 2005 with mom in better health and more vibrant than pre-lymphoma, to the point where she moved from my home in California February 2006 to go back to Texas to spread her new vibrant Light.

Though she didn’t fully understand what transpired for her to be healthy, she just knew it worked.

You see, from August to October my mom and I before she would go to bed every night would say to each other 'For our best and highest good' (premise for The Titus Concept), and that became her perception. To be honest she did question it in the beginning, even asking ‘How could this be for my best and highest good?’, and especially after losing her hair.

But from the moment I asked those questions in that hospital room, I have had numerous opportunities, tons of blessings, and been fully surrounded by Love.

That day I shifted the energy within me, just as my mom did every night before she went to bed.

Together we created miracles…

Is it an illusion?
It is the illusion that you create.
How do you create it?
From your perception.
How do you change that perception?
Command your Life.
How do you command your Life?
Empower your Self.

It is time. You deserve it.

For OUR best and highest good, all ways… In every moment.

Ilumine Ao,

Al Diaz

Update 10 April 2008

I had asked Al to please also let me know about any new developments, particularly whether all the other conditions his mother had (beginning stages of Alzheimer’s, mobility degrading, rheumatoid arthritis) have also completely cleared up. Here is Al’s detailed reply. It's beautiful to see his love and closeness to his mom.


Lymphoma and rheumatoid arthritis to this day is still in full remission.

Her mobility upgraded all of 2006, leveled off in 2007, but she was living independently in a luxury home for the elderly.


2004 at about 20%

2005 the Lymphoma events accelerated it to about 30%

2006 35%

2007 40%

2008 60%

I saw my mom for Christmas in 2007, she was still living independently in the same home, with her Alzheimer’s at about the 40% level, for the most part being able to do everything except taking her medication and cooking.

Early March of this year she developed some blood clots in her legs and was prescribed a blood thinner, coumadin. She was taken to two different doctors at different times for the clotting, which led to her being over-medicated and almost near death.

It was severe enough that she got admitted with hospice a couple of weeks ago and no longer can be on her own, and also accelerated her Alzheimer’s to about 60% as I indicated above.

I just got off the phone with her and we both finished the call saying to each other "for our best and highest good".

Today at 79 she is still with us.

Ilumine Ao,

Al Diaz

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