Health and Healing Meditations
excerpted from Aura Advantage © 2003 by Cynthia Sue Larson, chapter “Aura Meditations for Everyday Life”
Note by Healing Cancer Naturally: For scientific validation and research into the reality of chakras, auras and life energies, see Energetics and Spirituality.
Meditation has existed since the birth of humankind, and there are as many different kinds of meditations as there are different kinds of people in the world. Meditation does not require any particular spiritual or religious beliefs, nor is there any one "right" way to meditate.
Some meditations are walking meditations, some focus on clearing the mind, some emphasize breathing and breath control, some involve silently repeating a secret mantra over and over again, and some involve carefully sensing one small thing (like slowly rolling a grape in your mouth and tasting it). ...
Many studies have shown the benefits of meditation to be real and profound. Simply by meditating, people have been able to reduce the amount of stress they feel in their lives, alleviate physical pain, deepen awareness, relax muscle tension, improve mind-body coordination, achieve a sense of peace and joy, see more possibilities, and even reduce biological age.
In this chapter, different kinds of meditations are provided for assessing and transforming your aura to better suit the life you most wish to live. When you choose the area you most wish to improve (love, money, stress-relief), you can keep track of your progress in a journal by recording your observations as you undergo the process of changing your aura to change your life. Meditations can be done alone or in a group in which one person guides the meditation process and facilitates the sharing of experiences.
Have you ever been awakened in the middle of the night and not been able to fall back asleep again? Sometimes when you are under a great deal of stress, your mind will focus on problems so much that your sleep may be disrupted. Even when you know that such worries are a waste of your time and energy, they can seem to take on a life of their own in the wee hours.
At such times, you may find yourself compelled to wake up and do something active, because so much adrenaline races through your system. In these situations, remember that the best solution might be to meditate. It may take some effort for you to remember that meditation is an option, because the urgency to do something can be so powerful.
Another time when you can greatly benefit from meditating, but probably forget to do so, is when you're frantically trying to get as many things done in as short a time as possible. Like a many-headed Hydra, you can lose your sense of unified vision and feel like you're being pulled in several different directions at once.
It can seem crazy to set aside twenty minutes to meditate at such times, since you are keenly aware of how much needs to be done. Try meditation out some time, and see if the twenty minutes you invest in meditation and/or prayer reaps returns that compensate for the delay and inconvenience involved.
Instead of feeling stressed and tired, you can be feeling relaxed and energized. Instead of thinking you have few or no options available, you can see a wide variety of choices you can make. Instead of feeling confused, you can feel focused and centered.
There are even times following meditation and/or prayer in which you might feel you are guided to do exactly the right things at the right times, and everything you do feels effortless — like you're being assisted by fairies, elves, and angels!
If you are looking for the best way to enhance your aura and turn your life around, studies have shown that meditation might be the best thing you could do. A five-year study of male felons who were paroled from federal prisons showed that those parolees who practiced meditation were 35 percent to 40 percent less likely to return to prison or be sentenced for a new crime than otherwise similar parolees who didn't meditate.
Meditation was proven to be much more effective than vocational training, psychotherapy, and prison education for helping parolees break free of a life of crime. While your problems may not be quite as severe as those of federal prisoners, it's still good to know that such a powerful tool exists for making sweeping changes in your life.
Good Health and Healing Meditation
Just as chronic worry and stress first cause damage to one's aura and then create problems in one's physical body, freedom from stress can eventually clear one's aura and reverse physical health problems. All meditations that increase an overall sense of being simultaneously energized and relaxed are therefore good for one's health. The following meditation is especially good for improving one's physical health, since that is its primary emphasis and intention.
I. Find a quiet time and space where you can have twenty to thirty minutes alone. Sit or lie down in the most comfortable position for you.
2. Close your eyes and feel your energy body around you. Notice if you can see any dark areas, holes, tears, rips, or sections of grainy energy.
3. Imagine that you are now calling on a brilliant angel/energy being of love, to help you repair the damaged areas in your aura. (Important: When you first call on angels, be sure to state that you only invite those who come in the purest form of unconditional love. Do not invite any energy beings who make demands upon you or do not feel completely loving.) This energy being is an expert at strengthening your energy field, and when you request assistance will immediately begin repairing all damaged areas of your aura.
4. If your energy body requires extensive assistance, call on another angel/energy being or two . . . or three! Know that whatever you need will be provided, as long as you ask with all your heart and feel grateful for the help you receive.
5. Observe what these angels are doing, and how much better you feel as they work to fluff, clear, and repair your aura. Note whatever physical sensations you feel as this healing continues.
A Fresh Start Meditation
To a large degree, your life is exactly what you create it to be. By virtue of your daily habitual thoughts and feelings, you create the foundation upon which the house of your life is built. The advantage of cleansing the foundation of your life of energetic clutter is that like a blank slate or tabula rasa, anything at all can be possible for you. This meditation is recommended for you if you have faced persistent problems in life, and wish to find an energetically clean point for starting fresh.
1. Do you remember a time when you were a child and felt wonderfully excited about something? You were not concerned with practicalities, and had not yet told anyone of how you were feeling and what you were thinking about. You were experiencing a moment that contained all possibility and tremendous enthusiasm.
2. Smell the smells around you as you feel this joyous state of being. You know in your heart and soul that anything is possible, and can look around at the world and feel your heart sing. See the colors and shapes of energy around you; feel their textures.
3. Wrap this special moment up energetically as a present from your past, and bring it to your life in this moment now. Feel the joyous sense of wonder you had and the sheer delight in being alive. This is the energy you can now bring to anything in your life you need it for — anything at all! With childlike wonder and creativity, you can face every situation with love, awe, and fearlessness. You are meant to succeed at bringing your special gifts to the world, and you can feel the sheer joy in reveling in the essence of all you are.
4. If you feel any negative thoughts or feelings, ground yourself and let them go down an auric energy cord to the earth. Look at that present of the bliss of your youthful excitement, and feel once again the sense of joy and wonder it brings to you. You are a whole new person today, refreshed with the youthful vigor of your spiritual energy and ready to do anything you put your mind to!
Bringing Meditation Home
Once you make meditation a regular part of your daily life, you may notice that you feel at home wherever you may be. If you want to know how much of a difference meditation can make in your life, keep track of how often you meditate in a journal. When you feel rushed, meditation can bring you back to a sense of living in the eternal now. When you feel tired, meditation can refresh and renew your body and spirits. When you feel confused, meditation can bring you clarity. When you feel defeated, meditation can bring you inspiration and new ideas.
About the Author
Cynthia Sue Larson works with Aura Imaging Systems in California, consulting and developing cutting-edge technology to capture auras on film. She hosts a popular Web site, www.realityshifters.com, providing visitors with information about auras and a forum to discuss their own experiences. Her articles have appeared in magazines such as Magical Blend, Parabola, and Lightworker. Ms. Larson lives in Sacramento, CA.
Addendum: some free guided healing meditations (based on the Cayce readings)
- Spiritual Guided Meditation for Healing
www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0ukcU2o0Fw - Christian Guided Meditation for Healing
... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer
after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.
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