
Making isopathic remedies (nosodes) yourself

Background to why they are effective and easy step-by-step instructions

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Detailed introduction to isopathy & homeopathy including one method of making your own isopathic remedies

The following article is partially translated from an excellent German-language website on naturopathy and alternative medicine https://netzwerk-der-gesundheit.de/.

Homemade isopathic remedies (aka nosodes) are very effective

"While classical homeopathy was always too complicated for me, I often use isoopathic nosodes, which I usually make myself.

When the cause of an illness cannot be found and/or when nothing else helps, with even alternative and herbal antibiotics such as colloidal silver, propolis, essential oils etc. remaining completely ineffective, isopathic remedies (nosodes) are the remedy of choice for me. They have helped me and others very quickly every time, and without any side effects.

Are isopathic remedies (nosodes) just placebos?

Apart from science finally confirming the effectiveness of these remedies (see Homeopathy scientifically shown to have significant positive effects) — how are pets made to believe that supposedly ineffective remedies will make them healthy again, so that a placebo effect occurs (see examples in the following)?

Homeopathy, isopathy and physics

Homeopathy can be explained by physics, the underlying phenomenon being called resonance. Something can be destroyed by something else with the same frequency. This is why soldiers must not walk across a bridge in lockstep. If they were to accidentally hit the frequency of the bridge, it could collapse.[1]

This is exactly how homeopathy works, especially the isopathic remedies (nosodes). They hit exactly the frequency of what they are supposed to extinguish.

Some examples of the power of isopathic remedies (nosodes)

Incurable cat disease healed: In the summer of 2010, one of my cats was diagnosed with FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, i.e. Feline Aids in its final stage). FIV is considered incurable and fatal and the vet wanted to put her to sleep.

Her whole mouth was very inflamed, so that she hardly ate. She was emaciated to the bone, her fur was shaggy, her eyes badly infected and her stools bloody. Hiding under the cupboard, she spent most of the time sleeping.

Even very high doses of highly concentrated colloidal silver did not help. I searched all over the German internet for a isopathic nosode of the virus — unfortunately in vain. While the FIV nosode was available in the USA, I doubted that Lotti would live long enough for the nosode to finally reach me.

So I made an isopathic remedy from her saliva and blood from her stool and added it regularly to her drinking water. She became perfectly healthy, vital and plump again. She regrew a beautiful shiny coat, redeveloped a good appetite and had no more inflammation — all from a "placebo". She gently passed away in my lap last summer (2020). She was already quite old. Her isopathic nosode gave her another ten wonderful years.

Isopathic remedies and ticks: Even these bloodsuckers flee from nosodes. When we had a real tick epidemic a few years ago, my cats were arriving with 5 – 7 new ticks every day even at the beginning of the tick season.

I gave them "Tick D6" in their drinking water for three days. From then on, my cats were completely tick-free all year round, even though the worst tick season had only just begun.

When I told my brother about Tick D6, he immediately tried it on his dog. It turned out that his dog continued to get ticks — but they all died after a few days. It appears that dogs need different potencies than cats.

How I prepare isopathic remedies (nosodes)

The following flies in the face of homeopathic dogmatism but I am of the opinion that "the one who heals is right".

Preparing the "mother tincture": I start by collecting something that "corresponds" to the disease. This can be tissue parts or fluid, blood, pus, mucus, skin cells, urine, saliva or anything else that "represents" the illness.

This sample is diluted 1:1 with alcohol. I find that even the cheapest grain alcohol from a discount store makes extremely effective remedies. (I use the cheapest 32% proof alcohol from Aldi.) I have tested it thoroughly: Nosodes work many times stronger when prepared with alcohol than with water.

This 1:1 mixture is called the mother tincture.

I fill this mother tincture into a small bottle and hit it 10 times vigorously on an old, expired mail-order catalog, which I hold in my other hand. You can also use an old book or telephone directory. I repeat this procedure over and over again

Then I take some of the mother tincture, dilute it 1:10 with alcohol and hit it again 10 times on an old telephone book.

Now I have a D1 potency.

Note: In Germany, both the centesimal (C) and decimal (X or D) scales are commonly used. The decimal scale dilutes substances by a factor of 10 at each stage.
In the US, the centesimal (C) scale is more commonly used, though decimal (X) scale preparations are also available. The centesimal scale dilutes substances by a factor of 100 at each stage. In other words, a C potency means that you shake the preparation 100 times, with a D potency only 10 times.

I take some of this D1 potency, repeat the above process, dilute and shake and get a D2 potency etc. etc. etc.

I repeat the dilution and shaking until I have a D6, D12, D30 or a D200 potency.

If you want to obtain a C potency: I take the mother tincture, dilute it 1:10 with alcohol and shake the mixture 100 times on my old mail-order catalog, and so on.

In spite of not following classical homeopathic procedures here, my isopathic remedies work like a charm.

How high should the potency be?

I usually start with a D6 potency. If it doesn't work, I move on to a D12 and if that doesn't work I move on to a D30 and so on.

Interestingly, for apparently purely physical illnesses, I get the best results with high potencies although it is claimed that high potencies act primarily on the mental sphere, whereas physical illnesses are cured with low potencies. Clearly, the psyche does play a huge role in the healing of physical illnesses.

How to dose isopathic remedies (nosodes)

Humans: Isopathic nosodes are taken once or twice a day at a dose of approx. 6 to 15 drops. It is best to put them on the tongue and keep them in the mouth for a while before swallowing.

Pets: As far as remedies are concerned, a cat can often tolerate the dose of an adult human. Sometimes they are given an even higher dose by the vet because of their high metabolism. These nosodes are very strong and work even at very low doses. I only add a few drops to the drinking water. The cats don't mind.

The effect is enhanced if quartz crystals or quartz stones are added to the drinking water. We know from computer technology that quartz stores information optimally and can pass it on countless times — nothing esoteric, magical or mystical, but pure physics.

General advice for cats: Please make sure to feed sugar-free food, because sugar promotes mucus formation enormously and is in almost every cat food, although cats cannot taste sweet. I also give my cats colloidal silver, the strongest antibiotic I know, in their food, about 1 teaspoon per cat.

The homeopathic aggravation (temporary worsening of symptoms)

With isopathic remedies, please remember the initial aggravation to be expected. This is actually a good sign showing the remedy is working.

Auto-isopathic remedies for pain?

Personally I have found that autonosodes are not really suitable for pain. In any case, the cause of your pain must be clarified as quickly as possible. As there are many possible causes, there are also many natural ways to ease pain."

That said, isopathic serum treatment for cancer pain treatment has been found to be very effective for terminal cancer pain — and possibly cancer. Read here about the sensational results obtained with isopathic solutions in cancer pain patients using the fourth and sixth dilution (with the fourth dilution being used for more acute, the sixth for chronic cancer patients).


1 "Marching in lockstep can create a force at the same frequency as the bridge's natural frequency. When these frequencies align, it can result in mechanical resonance, amplifying the bridge's vibrations. By breaking step, soldiers disrupt the potential for resonance, significantly reducing the risk of structural damage or collapse when crossing bridges." .


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