Supplements and Herbs

Manda Koso supplement: fermented fruit and vegetable concentrate

Testimonies, studies, claimed health effects on cancer & other diseases

Copyright © 2014 Healing Cancer Naturally

Manda Koso (made in Japan) is (another) apparent "near-miracle" cure. While so far there are only a good handful of scientific studies to back up some of the claims made for the product, there are a series of impressive Manda Koso testimonials including those showing an effect on sick animals (which as far as we know are not subject to the placebo effect) as well as endorsements by a small number of medical doctors.

Overall the currently available evidence seems intriguing enough to include Manda Koso on this site. Since this product is not inexpensive, it may well be worth a try for those to whom money is no particular issue; others would seem better advised to go for cheaper possible solutions such as those listed under Greatest Hits.

Manda Koso: composition and production

Manda Koso was originally developed after the dropping of the Hiroshima bomb to assist and protect Japanese women to enable them to bear healthy children.

For the making of Manda Koso, some 50 natural ingredients including apples, mandarins, bananas, lemons, avocados, oranges, figs, plums, raspberries, peaches, pineapples, grapes, papaya, apricots, kaki, walnuts, rice, soy, Muscavado sugar, honey, millet, glucose, sea vegetables, and herbs are fermented under strictly controlled conditions for a period of 39 to 60+ months on the Japanese Seto Inland Sea National Park.

The result is a jam-like fermented enzyme and amino acid concentrate whose taste is reminiscent of plums and one gram of which apparently "corresponds to a basket-full of raw organic produce".

How Manda Koso is said to work

Manda Koso is described as supplying bioactive substances (enzymes and amino acids) to the body in pre-digested form. Without addressing here the details of Manda Koso's hypothesized mode of operation, its inventor, biochemist Dr Shingoro Matsuura, calls it an “intelligent” food, which actively seeks out "challenges" and deals with them, systematically addressing one physical problem after the other.

Time must be allowed for problems to disappear. And as with most all natural approaches based on strengthening the body's power to heal itself, healing crises may occur.

Apparently, Manda not only affects people in a positive manner, but (as mentioned) animals and even plants as well (compare Manda Koso healing testimonials: pets).

Interestingly, one of the first ingredients listed on the manufacturer's website is lactic acid, and there is a very successful "alternative" cancer treatment which is based on the ingestion of lactic-acid-fermented food products devised by Johannes Kuhl MD PhD. Perhaps one of the reasons Manda Koso can work so well is found exactly here.

Doctors' endorsements

On 20 December 2000, an 86 year old physician appeared on Germany's well-known (former) "Fliege" talkshow (hosted by Pastor Jürgen Fliege from 1994 to 2005) to testify that he was healed from terminal Hodgkin's lymphoma thanks to Manda Koso.

German MD Dr. Otmar Bengert calls Manda Koso a "credible food" since it "clearly helps against many problems".

Swiss gynecologist Dr. Christa Nadjafi-Triebsch frequently recommends Manda Koso treatment to patients exhibiting various signs of physical debility.

German vet Dr. Helmut Zartner has very successfully used Manda Koso on sick animals (smearing the paste on their teeth), with results "bordering on the miraculous", e.g. ridding a dog of cancer in four weeks and effecting other speed healings of tumours, skin allergies and (previously) non-healing wounds.

Dr Zartner speculates that Manda Koso's extremely long fermentation process may enhance the inbuilt healing power of plants in subtle ways which modern scientific instrumentarium is yet unable to assess[6].

Zartner adds that belief (placebo) has nothing to do with these healings since animals and plants responding to the product are not known to react to placebo (compare Manda Koso healing testimonials: pets).

The free PDF Manda Koso: Heal Yourself[1] also mentions one surgeon named Prof. Mohammed Nasser warmly endorsing this enzyme concentrate product for all types of cancer, "especially as an adjuvant to chemotherapy".

Manda Koso healing testimonials: human

In addition to a number of cancer remission testimonials, Manda Koso reportedly also helped with conditions as diverse as skin diseases incl. neurodermatitis, herpes, vitiligo, psoriasis and skin allergy, asthma and hay fever, fungal infections, vascular and circulatory disorders (including high blood pressure, varicose veins, migraines, stroke and swollen legs), rheumatism, allergies (including pollen allergy), gastritis, gas, heartburn, constipation, colitis, Crohn’s disease, stomach cramps and other digestive problems, diabetes and stress-related afflictions, anxiety, sleep disorders, as well as a cyst (which disappeared). Some of these illnesses had been of decades-long standing.

Unless otherwise specified, the following cases are summarized from the free booklet in PDF format Manda Koso: Heal Yourself.[1]

Prostate cancer with hip and back metastases

Male, 60, PSA of 50.0, was started on anti-androgen therapy (injections and tablets) and simultaneously began taking three to four spoonfuls Manda Koso daily. After a year, his PSA count was 0.08 and follow-up examinations showed all metastases gone. Patient attributes his survival to Manda Koso.

Prostate cancer with lung metastases

Unable to eat and in unbearable pain after prostate surgery, this former engineer is now 85 years old and cancer-free. He attributes his recovery to taking three small spoonfuls of the enzyme mixture every day. Quarterly follow-up examinations continue to show him clear of disease.

Liver cancer

(translated/summarized from a case history provided by naturopath Beate Geiben[2])

Female, 60, came to consult for upper abdominal pain, recurrent nosebleeds and skin issues. Since both tongue diagnosis and electroacupuncture according to Voll (EAV) indicated malignant liver disease, the patient was sent to an internist.

The specialist diagnosed her with liver cancer and immediately wanted her admitted to hospital to be started on chemotherapy. Liver function tests showed extremely elevated levels (GGT 1240, GPT 356, GOT 320, cholesterol 1,240).

Since the patient had had no positive experiences with conventional medical treatments, she refused. Her naturopath prescribed Manda Koso 3 x a day and additionally administered twice-weekly injections of enzymes derived from snake venom.

Six weeks into this treatment, the patient reported changes in her skin. Ten more weeks, and her lab tests showed her tumor markers, GOT and GPT within the normal range and her GGT to be 352. The physician in charge was at a loss to explain this dramatic turnaround but said she should continue the treatment she was doing.

The patient continued to take the nutritional essence for another year 3 x a day. Following this, she was given a maintenance dose of one measuring spoon once daily (1 spoon = 1 g). Nine years later (reported in 2011) she still has slightly elevated GGT levels but enjoys full vitality and productivity as before. She works as the sole managing director of a fashion manufactory and continues taking Manda Koso.

Thyroid cancer

Female, 29, underwent total ablation of the gland followed by three radioiodine treatments after which the patient was sent home to die. Instead of dying, she started taking Manda Koso and used walnut tincture to clean out her bowels. Half-yearly check-ups have shown continuous improvement of test results including tumour markers. Patient feels like her old self again, is convinced that Manda Koso has been crucial in her improvement and continues to take small amounts of the product.[4],[5]

Lung cancer (pulmonary sarcoma)

Male, 79, poor prognosis, had been given no chemotherapy on account of his debilitated condition. After starting on Manda Koso, his appetite returned, his formerly unbearable pain as well as eventually all signs of pulmonary sarcoma disappeared. Follow-up examinations showed no evidence of disease, the former patient feels great. He continues to regularly take small portions of Manda Koso before his main meals (reported over four years after original diagnosis).

Colon cancer

Male, 59, had colon cancer surgery which left him unable to leave the house without taking morphine since he had 40–50 bowel movements a day. Started on a spoonful of Manda Koso three times daily and within two weeks, no longer felt any discomfort. Follow-up examinations revealed no evidence of disease.

Rectal carcinoma

Male, 43, diagnosed with rectal cancer with beginning involvement of the gastrointestinal tract. Refused surgery and chemotherapy and after learning about Manda Koso in Pastor Fliege's above-mentioned TV talkshow, started taking two spoonfuls three times a day. Within a few weeks, all symptoms of illness disappeared. He continues to religiously take Manda Koso.

Colon cancer

Male, 65, with very poor prognosis, had surgery and ileostomy (his ileum was attached to the abdominal wall at an artificial anus). Next to unable to eat, after discharge from hospital he started on a spoonful of Manda Koso four times a day. He quickly felt great improvement, put on weight and now feels "fit as a fiddle".

Pleural tumour

Male, 49, believes that Manda Koso did wonders for him. A follow-up examination four months after pleural surgery showed no longer evidence of disease. Additionally the constant diarrhoea (12-15 bowel movements daily) experienced after hip surgery completely normalized. Now feeling great.

Prostate cancer & PSA values

After prostate surgery, the patient (62) experienced a period of wellbeing until suddenly, his PSA values started soaring again with concomitant sleep disturbances. His doctor considered it too early to submit him to renewed conventional treatment. To prevent further deterioriation of his health, the patient started taking a small spoonful of Manda Koso three times a day. After finishing the second jar, his PSA values had returned to the minimum range and he was back to enjoying regular sleep.

Impressive cures (not cancer-related)

A 69 year old stroke victim who felt hopeless regarding his physical condition and did not think the enzyme paste would be able to help, improved in spite of his attitude and now has hardly any sequelae left.

A 68 year old male with chronic periostitis saw a decade-old wound finally heal.

A 78 year old male with a decade-old leg ulcer first saw nothing happening after starting on Manda Koso. When his leg began itching he became worried but upon his daughter-in-law's insistence, kept taking Manda Koso three times a day. After six weeks, a near-miracle occurred, with new pink skin forming on his leg, and another two weeks later, the skin firming up. At the time of reporting, the leg has been whole for a year and he continues to take a small spoonful of Manda Koso.

A case of psoriasis of twenty years standing reports having become "a completely different person".

Will everyone find healing with Manda Koso?

A case of adenocarcinoma mentioned on the German internet did not survive. The only details provided, however, were the following:

The woman concerned took the strongest Manda Koso available (fermented for 7 years or longer) for a week in which her weight increased from 48 to 53 kg (i.e. she recovered some of the weight she had previously lost). At an unspecified later date she died. There was no mention how long she continued taking the paste after the first week (several of the above-quoted cases experienced no change in their condition for several weeks).

Generally speaking, any approach to healing which hinges on a single agent is not recommended by Healing Cancer Naturally which suggests adopting an allround holistic approach in its stead.[3] That said, some of the reports of healing ascribed to Manda Koso (without any other health measures taken) are certainly most impressive.

Scientific studies into Manda Koso

(Two of the following eight studies even have made it into PubMed, the official biomedical database publishing only scientifically validated research [English-language].)

  • Inhibition of human breast cancer cell growth and enzymatic activity by a fermented nutraceutical: an in vitro and in vivo study.
    Published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 2009.
  • Manda a Fermented Natural Food, Suppresses Lipid Peroxidation in the Senescent Rat Brain.
    Published in Neurochemical Research, Volume 23, No. 4, pp. 455-461, 1998.
  • Antitumor and Immunopotentiating Effects of Manda Enzyme (ME).

    Published in Natural Product Sciences, 2 (1): 29-36 (1996), this study found that Manda Enzyme significantly prolonged survival rate compared to the control group.

    Activities of NK cell against YAC-1 cells were significantly increased, as were LAK cell activities against P815 cells. "These observations... suggest that [Manda Enzyme] may have an anticancer effect and immunopotentiating effect in vivo." Full text available at
  • Antioxidant and Antitumor Effects of Manda.

    Published in Biochemical Archives, Vol. 14, 211-219, 1998
  • Inhibitory Effects of Fermentative Foods Prepared from Plant Materials on Tumor Growth and Materials to Lung.

    Published in The Japanese Journal of Constitutional Medicine, Vol. 611. 1-2, 1999
  • Postoperative Effect of Manda on NK Cell Activity in Cancer Patients.

    Published in Biotherapy 13 (7): 805-809, 1999
  • Free Radical Scavenging Action of Manda

    Published in The Clinical Report, Vol 28, No. 2, 1994
  • Isolation and Partial Characterisation of Polysaccharide with Antithrombin Activity against Blood Coagulation in Manda, a Fermented Natural Food.

    Published in Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology, 43(4), 235- 239, 2000.

Official Manda Koso site

... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.


1 This book, a translation from German, can be downloaded from a number of places online.

2 Naturopath Beate Geiben describes (in German) some cases from her nine years of experience prescribing Manda Koso in .

3 See Treatment and Holistic.

4 A similar (perhaps identical) case used to be reported on a German website:

Thyroid cancer
After total thyroidectomy (complete removal of the thyroid) and subsequent radiation therapy, Mrs. N.S., 27, was discharged from hospital. Her prognosis was so poor she was told she need not return for follow-up examinations. Her mother learned about Manda-Koso and bought it for her daughter. Mrs. S. started to take a measuring spoon three times a day, and several weeks later, felt much better. At her own request, she regularly undergoes follow-up tests which to the day of reporting have shown her to be cancer-free. Even the serious colds she used to fall prey to no longer occur. Mrs. S. continues to take tiny amounts of Manda-Koso and credits the product for returning her to a healthy and happy life.

5 For possible causes of thyroid malignancies, also compare Ionising radiation from dental X-rays and increased thyroid cancer risk.

6 Russian-Ukrainian ophthalmologist and surgeon Prof. Vladimir Petrovich Filatov (1875–1956), developer of tissue therapy, discovered a similar enhancement of healing effects e.g. in aloe preparations submitted to various thermal "stresses".

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