
DVD on Reiki background & attunement

Introduction to Reiki

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Reiki Healing Attunement: Heal Emotional-Mental-Physical-Spiritual Issues

“The Reiki Healing Attunement will help you heal emotional, mental, physical and spiritual issues in your life. The Attunement [a sacred process, initiation and/or meditation with a specific purpose and intent] brings in high frequency healing energies and helps clear any blockages you have on all levels. ... No belief system or religion is required to experience the Attunement.

You also learn about: What is Reiki; What is a Healing Attunement; Why and how it is succesful; What to expect during and after the Attunement; Why and how crystals and vortexes work; Life energy flow for health.”

“One of Steve's Best DVDs and a personal favorite:
“I recommend this one and/or the Psychic one for those who want healing ... Steve says that no belief/religion is required to use Reiki. I just want to point out that it Doesn't mean if you DO have faith that you can not use it.

I am a Christian and use Reiki combined with prayer, keeping in mind all the time that God is the Source and the Healer and I am just the channel He works through to the people I treat with Reiki. Reiki is just another door for God to work in my life and I keep All doors 'open' to Him.

I recommend Reiki for any and everyone that is wanting to tap into the Source of all things...get ready for incredible things to happen in your life! Yet remember that Reiki always works for the greatest good to heal what is Most needed in your life, not necessarily what you want.

So just be honest with yourself when using this video and you will surely have the wondrous results that will shock you. God bless you on your journey.”

“I was very impressed with the healing energy that comes forth through these much needed DVDs of Reiki attunements.”

“...If you are wanting attunements to be able to heal yourself, others and this beautiful world we live in, then Steve's DVDs are for you.

I was blown away by the love I felt and the flow of positive energy. The attunements are powerful! I am so eternally thankful someone stepped outside their comfort zone and made Reiki attunements available at such an affordable price. Reiki is needed now more than ever. This is truly healing for the now and the future.

... And don't let people tell you that to be able to receive attunements you have to do it in secret, and it has to cost a lot of money. Reiki energy is a gift from God and is a free, loving energy to anyone that has a desire for healing. ... This will honor you where you are, and inspire you to go beyond your impossibilities!”

“A powerful self-healing tool... incredible

I came upon Steve Murray's DVDs and books after more than 15 years of meditation and self-discovery. There was revealed a whole new world to me through Reiki. Steve talks and walks us through each step, so that anyone can receive his Attunements with ease.

My wife and I both use Steve's Healing Attunement ... every week, simply because IT WORKS on any issue; mental, physical, emotional.

... After having taken the Reiki Psychic Attunement a couple of times, I began to notice that ideas and answers were coming to me out of nowhere concerning all areas of my life, and this increases noticeably after every Attunement now. It's like supercharging your sixth sense! The increase in my everyday awareness that I have experienced is distinct and plainly recognizable, as well as the wonderful and rewarding ability to contact angels and my spirit guides.

I cannot say enough about this incredible DVD from Steve Murray. I recommend ALL of Steve Murray's DVDs, which have changed my life — literally improving my quality of life, as well as that of my family and friends!” (from readers’ reviews)

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