
Stinging nettle (urtica dioica) cure testimonials

Nettle juice healed pancreas cancer / nettle tea cured stomach cancer

by copyright © 2014 Healing Cancer Naturally

Eminent naturopath Sebastian Kneipp honoured the humble nettle plant with the following words: "The stinging nettle is the most despised among the plants. But for the expert it has in fact the greatest value."[1]

The following anecdotal cancer cure reports while undoubtedly (to my mind) true are featured here not as boilerplate recipes to blindly follow but as simple additions to the already existing body of material evidence pointing to the stinging nettle's powerful potential as a healing plant — and one that can be freely gathered next to everywhere.

Among other researchers, cancer specialist Prof. Dr. Dr. Seeger for instance counted Urtica dioica with its high number of hydrogen acceptors among the effective anti-cancer plants. Additionally, there is a large body of research into Urtica's medicinal effects and one German physician successfully used stinging nettles for healing benign and malignant tumors.

In cases of cancer, however, it would still seems wisest to adopt an all-round approach rather than relying on a single remedy, no matter how powerful indeed it may be.

A case of incurable pancreas cancer healed with nettles juice cure

Erika Herbst's monumental (German-language) work Die Heilkunst von Morgen [The Healing Arts of Tomorrow] among many other real-life healing reports also contains the story of a man "sent home to die" of terminal pancreas cancer. The naturopath he consulted put him on the following nettle juice treatment (prescribing commercial Schönenberger Brennesselsaft [pressed stinging nettle juice] available in German health food stores and pharmacies, including online).

  • Dilute one tablespoon of nettle juice with six tablespoons of water (use Volvic in the plastic bottle or Haderheck water; one tablespoon = 15ml).
  • Day 1: take two tablespoons in twelve tablespoons of water.
  • Day 2: take three tablespoons in eighteen tablespoons of water.
  • Continue to add one tablespoon with the corresponding amount of water every day until you reach 21 tablespoons of nettle juice.
  • Repeat the same sequence backwards, i.e. take one tablespoon of nettle juice less per day until you are down to two tablespoons again.

The patient recovered (no further details are known except that the patient also changed his sleeping place to avoid geopathic stress considered a major contributor to cancer (nowadays "technopathic stress" appears to be even more frequently involved).

Another stage 4 pancreas cancer cure achieved with herbs can be read under Superior herbal formula — sensational cancer remission testimonials.

Stomach cancer healed with fresh stinging nettles tea

In her classic Health Through God`s Pharmacy, Maria Treben recounts her encounter with an elderly lady who had been diagnosed with stomach cancer and whose doctor had advised surgery. Due to her age, she did not want to "go under the knife".

When someone suggested she try nettle tea, she started picking a handful of the fresh herb in her garden every day to make into a tea. Some time later, she visited her doctor. He wondered whether she had had surgery after all — but why was there no scar? In fact, her tumors had vanished and she continued to live a number of healthy years.

Treben added: "There is no need to allow things to get to this point. No malignancy can even form if we regularly ingest the wonderful power of our good nettle as a tea".

Note: stinging nettles were also a vital ingredient in this Cure testimony: terminal lung cancer with metastases.

... and for ALL the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.


1 More on this site on this famous natural healer who essentially based his wide-ranging successes on water applications and herbs under Sebastian Kneipp on the medicinal power of horsetail / shavegrass (Equisetum arvense).

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