
Testimonials of breast cancer (terminal & other) healed

with flaxseed oil and cottage cheese (center part of Budwig diet) p. 1

Breast cancer healing reports involving Dr. Johanna Budwig’s formula

Collected by Cliff Beckwith, a 15 year prostate cancer survivor “thanks to taking flaxseed oil and cottage cheese”, and compiled and prefaced by Healing Cancer Naturally

Before starting to read the following healing testimonials, the reader’s attention is drawn to these very important observations re breast and other cancer overdiagnosis and overtreatment as well as to the well-known power of the placebo effect as illustrated in these examples.

Also read about the role of iodine in the healing and prevention of breast cancer under Seaweed.

Breast Cancer Healing 1

Hello Mr. Beckwith:
I gave a copy of your testimony to a lady who had one breast removed and was given a grim diagnosis that the cancer had spread and that within a year she would likely be back to remove the other one. She had received all the chemo and radiation she could take.

The surgeon basically sent her home because there was nothing else they could do. She told me that she had no energy and that she had to give up all her activities. She believed that there was no hope and that it was just a matter of time.

She started the flax oil. For the first few days she felt more tired than ever. The fourth day she began to feel a surge of energy. She continued to feel stronger and stronger.

Within a couple of weeks she felt so good that she re-joined all the clubs and activities that she had to abandon before. She went on a trip to Eastern Canada that involved a lot of walking and said that she had no problems at all.

Two weeks ago she had an appointment with the surgeon and found that the other breast was fine and that she had no sign of problems. He told her to come back in a year for another check-up.

She phoned me yesterday to thank me again for the info that gave her life back. According to her, she was already taking vitamin supplements and good eating habits but it was the flax oil that made this miraculous difference. She said that she would continue to take the 5 tablespoons of flax oil in yogurt.


Breast cancer cure 2

A couple of years ago a friend of ours had a mammogram and it was suspicious. It was decided to do a biopsy in a couple of weeks and she immediately began using flaxseed oil and cottage cheese at the rate of three tablespoons of oil a day.

When the biopsy was done a malignancy was found. Other tests were done and a mastectomy was recommended. At this point she would have gone strictly with the flaxseed oil, but Tenncare would pay the $3000.00 for the tests only if she did what was recommended. The operation was set up but was postponed six weeks to try to get a surgeon to do reconstructive surgery at the same time.

It couldn't be worked out so finally, it was felt that she should have the procedure before any spread occurred. The operation was performed and the removed tissue sent to the lab for analysis.

There were no cancer cells detectable. She said the only good thing about it was that she had told the surgeon what she was doing and he suddenly got very interested because his wife had advanced breast cancer, had had a double mastectomy and was not doing well at all. He had had her flown to clinics wherever there seemed to be any hope and it hadn't helped.

The last I heard his wife is doing very well.

Breast cancer healing 3

A year ago last February through a real "coincidence" there were some tapes distributed at our prostate cancer support group meeting and one man was there who never came again.

That night he and his wife visited and she got flaxseed oil to get started.

She had had a mastectomy and there was a "bubble" that appeared. The doctor said it was a hematoma [blood trapped in tissues] and to pay no attention. The bubble was still there and larger a month later. She went to a different doctor and was waiting for his report.

Two nights later she called. He found it was a very rare, fast growing cancer. He gave her little time and no hope except possibly a stem cell transplant. She was in tears and angry that the original doctor had passed it off and wasted a month. She was now using the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese at six tablespoons a day.

When she had a checkup preparatory to the stem cell transplant the cancer had already disappeared. The doctor was mystified but told her he would guarantee it would return unless she did something else. He gave her something to boost her immune system and she became part of a study to test a new vaccine. They were aware that she was on the flaxseed oil. The last I knew sometime before Christmas 1999 she was doing fine and a friend and she were combining orders and staying on the flaxseed oil.

Breast Cancer Cure 4

In the summer of 1996 Debbie stopped to see us on her way home from her third chemo treatment for breast cancer. She had just gotten a tape and listened to it on her way to the doctor's. She wanted to try flaxseed oil and cottage cheese.

When she went for her fourth chemo treatment and the white count was done to see how low it was it was found that instead of going down the count had actually gone up. She took the next treatment, it had again gone up. She decided to discontinue the chemo and go with the flaxseed oil.

The doctor warned her against that course of action but she proceeded anyway.

The lump shrunk rapidly and she was excited. It did not disappear completely, but there has been no regrowth and she believes that what she can detect now is scar tissue. I have not heard from her for some time but I know she would call if there were any change. When I call her she answers the phone with "Praise The Lord".

Breast Cancer 5

In August of 1996 a lady who was a member of the church where one of my beekeeping friends attend had been found to have very advanced breast cancer that had metastasized to the bones. My friend gave her a tape and I called her one morning. She said she had been praying that she would be led as to the course of action to take.

The doctor wanted to give her chemo to shrink the cancer and then operate to prevent an eruption, but said it would not give her longer life or better quality of life. They did not give her but a few months in any event.

She refused the chemo and decided to go with flaxseed oil. The doctor was very upset and called her several times and urged her to follow his advice. The nurse told her she did not realize how ill she was. At this time she did not get out of the house on her own.

She started the oil and by late September was back in church playing the piano. I thought all was well and was excited for her. Then at Christmas time I heard she was in the hospital. We went to see her as soon as she got home and at that time she could only sit up in bed for a few minutes and was on hospice.

They had given her radiation to try to prevent pain in her spinal cord and it was not successful. They had not kept her warm enough and she got pneumonia. She told me she would never go back to the hospital again. She said they did something to her back that almost killed her.

Then I found out what had happened. She still used some oil after she felt better but stopped the protein. She hated cottage cheese. We got her started on Companion Nutrients.

The next I heard she had driven to the Easter Sunrise service and was driving to Knoxville. We stopped to see her a couple of times and she was mowing the lawn and caring for her garden. She said she still had problems but was improving.

Her daughter who was living with her told me that the hospice folks insisted on keeping her on a "pain patch" even though she didn't seem to have any pain by this time when it wasn't on for awhile. She said she didn't understand that.

Then she quit using the Companion Nutrients. She gradually went down hill and passed away.

At the funeral her daughter told me that the hospice nurse told her that when Emma Lee was sent home from the hospital that time the doctor told her [the nurse] that Emma Lee could not possibly last 30 days.

She lived over 22 months after that. One doctor told me that the material in the pain patch alone would damage her heart and liver if left on that period of time.

I wonder today if she had used the protein correctly with the flaxseed oil after she was back playing the piano in church if she would not still be with us. We can only go around once and we can't do it both ways.

Breast Cancer 6

Early last summer a teacher in a neighboring school district contacted us. A tape had been given to her husband.

This teacher had been fighting breast cancer with chemo and radiation for over seven years and was again in trouble. I do not know if a mastectomy had also been involved, but I don't think so.

They began using flaxseed oil with cottage cheese and she was doing very well the last I knew. Her husband used to come by for oil but they are now getting their own.

Breast Cancer (“her2/neu positive”) Healing 7

Hi everybody,

I was diagnosed with a her2/neu positive breast lump, 7.5 cm, of which only a third could be removed, and not having all options available then, as I have now, started with chemo in January — what medical doctor, who we all turn to for help when ill, is going to advise you otherwise?

I had already had 3 treatments, lost all my body hair, got really ill and had my immune system affected adversely, when my dear sister in desperation started doing research on my behalf and came across the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese protocol and immediately started me on it.

At that time my cancer count was 78. When I had my next full blood count 3 weeks later before the next round of chemo, the count had come down to 43 !!!! I know it was the flaxoil/cottage cheese because before that, with just chemo, the count did not move at all. By the time I finished chemo, the count was on 23 and now, 2 months (stopped chemo) later is still coming down.

But now the very best news: a friend of mine developed breast cancer, had a mastectomy and had to undergo chemo as well. She was a bit hesitant to follow my advice and Not have chemo, so before she started chemo, I put her on flax oil/cottage cheese and my own supplementation programme and diet, which she followed religiously.

She started chemo -exactly the same as I had- adriamycin, traditional hair remover, included. She has now finished the treatment and to this day, HAS NOT LOST ONE SINGLE HAIR !!!! Also, was never nauseous, never had a mouth sore, never had a problem with low white blood count, and never got sick with so much as a cold right through our very cold winter this year. It was as if water was poured into her ! They can not even measure her cancer -the count is so low!

Also, my Dad who also got lymph cancer this year -can you believe it, was also put on the flaxoil/cottage cheese diet and is now in remission! It’s like a miracle. The huge lumps he had before are now just speckles on his scan and will soon disappear, I know.

All I can say is : IT WORKS !!! And I can not thank my sister enough. My life is really back to normal because of her dedication and the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese she fed me! (am still taking it)

I eat it on fruit, jacket potatoes, in fruit shakes, as a dip with raw veggies, with organic honey on crackers. When you really feel you can't face it any more, just pinch your nose shut and swallow anyway!


"Budwig Diet — How To Get It Right ——The Ultimate Guide"

Written by German Budwig scholars Michael Bierschenk and Ulla Schmid to "fill in all the gaps" and rectify the many misleading errors spread by self-appointed Budwig "experts."

Learn the authentic Budwig protocol from two genuine experts (there are only three worldwide) who have actually read all 14 of Dr. Budwig‘s original scientific works, with Michael having worked with numerous cancer and other patients over many years.

Learn to distinguish the true Budwig protocol as taught by Dr Budwig herself from the distorted, minimalist or outright misleading version so often propagated in English-language books and on the internet, the unfortunate result of one little-informed source copying from other even less knowledgeable sources.

Budwig Diet: How To Get It Right The Ultimate Guide will give you the complete guidance you need to put all the chances of success with the Budwig Diet on your side.

And even those of us who are healthy and would like to stay that way well into their golden years will find an abundance of unique health-related information in this comprehensive book — information not easily found in any other place.

This important book was published in 2023 on Amazon as a Kindle and a paperback. It is also available as a downloadable PDF at a special introductory price.

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and this impressive native cancer therapy & prevention formula consisting of

  • aloe, honey & rum which apparently has cured cases of breast cancer as well as many other types of cancer.

Related section

For a thorough and authoritative introduction to the subject of the oil-protein diet & protocol developed by Dr. Budwig, see


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