Why Alternative Cancer Treatment

On conventional medicine

Quotes and facts to be aware of

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Primum nihil nocere (above all, do no harm).
Hippocratic physician’s oath

150,000 to 300,000 Americans are injured or killed each year because of medical negligence (i.e., mistreated diseases, surgeries, drug reactions, misprescribed drugs.)
Wall Street Journal, Jan. 13, 1993

About 90% of the patients who visit doctors have conditions that will either improve on their own or that are out of reach of modern medicine's ability to solve.
New England Journal of Medicine, Feb 7, 1991

As a retired physician, I can honestly say that unless you are in a serious accident, YOUR BEST CHANCE OF LIVING TO A RIPE OLD AGE IS TO AVOID DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS AND LEARN NUTRITION, HERBAL MEDICINE AND OTHER FORMS OF NATURAL MEDICINE. Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure anyone. Most surgery is unnecessary. In short, our mainstream medical system is hopelessly inept and/or corrupt.
Dr. Allan Greenberg on 12/24/2002

"... we know so little about how the body works."
Sir David Weatherall, Regius professor of medicine

Is there a cure for cancer? After 20 years of research

discover what this German expert thinks.

[S]ometimes there is no substitute for a doctor. Think for a moment of the injuries you might suffer in an automobile accident. No herb or vitamin could help you in the same way that a good doctor can. In terms of surgical technique (the cutting apart and repair of the human body) modern medicine has made remarkable advances. In terms of identifying many of the germs that play a role in causing many diseases and improving sanitation to prevent those diseases, once again modern medicine has made remarkable advances. In terms of burns, trauma, and ERs, modern medicine is nothing short of miraculous.

But in terms of treating and preventing most disease, particularly the major scourges of the modern era (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s) modern medicine stands an abject failure. Despite all of the games played with statistics, the numbers are undeniable.
Jon Barron in "Why Your Doctors Do You Like They Do"

Doctors make serious mistake with (at least) half of all patients

Getting the diagnosis wrong is one of the greatest threats to patient safety, says leading physician Dr Gordon Caldwell. Dr Caldwell of Worthing Hospital says that doctors quickly formulate a "working diagnosis" about a patient when he is admitted to hospital. This triggers a line of treatment and, if the patient improves, the diagnosis is confirmed; if he doesn't, the hospital team will reconsider the diagnosis.

“The time taken to reach the correct diagnosis may critically impact on the patient`s chances of survival. Over my career, I have seen many errors in the working diagnosis causing harm and even death to patients,” he says.
University of California study — Archives of Internal Medicine, 2010; 170: 1480-7; Gordon Caldwell essay — British Medical Journal, 2010; 341: c4593)

Disease... becomes a vested interest, and consciously or unconsciously, the doctors foster it as such. It is quite a common observation that doctors produce disease. Moreover, the whole system and philosophy of our dealing with disease is mistaken. Dr. W.H.White, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

Iatrogenic diseases, generally defined as diseases that result from a physician's action or in response to a drug, are believed to be a major problem in terms of morbidity and hospital expense.
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Dec. 12, 1980

Over a million patients are injured in hospitals each year, and approximately 180,000 die annually as a result of these injuries. Therefore, the iatrogenic injury rate dwarfs the annual automobile accident mortality of 45,000 and accounts for more deaths than all other accidents combined.
JAMA, July 5, 1995, 274:29-34

Deadly medical mistakes are number one US killer
...The results of seven years of research reviewing thousands of studies conducted by the Nutrition Institute of America show for the first time that medical errors are the number one cause of death and injury in the United States. According to the NIA's report, over 784,000 people die annually due to medical mistakes. Comparatively, the 2001 annual death rate for heart disease was 699,697 and the annual death rate for cancer was 553,251. Over 2.2 million people are injured every year by prescription drugs alone and over 20 million unnecessary prescriptions for antibiotics are prescribed annually for viral infections.

The report also shows that 7.5 million unnecessary medical and surgical procedures are performed every year and 8.9 million people are needlessly hospitalised annually. Based on the results of NIA's report, it is evident that there is a pressing need for an overhaul of the entire American medical system.

The findings, described as a "revelation" by Martin Feldman, MD, ... are the product of the first comprehensive studies on iatrogenic incidents (those caused by the treatment or drug itself). Never before has any study uncovered such a massive amount of information about the degree and effect of iatrogenesis. Historically, only small individual partial studies have been performed in this area.

Carolyn Dean, MD, a physician and author..., "I was completely shocked, amazed, and dismayed when I first added up all the statistics on medical death and saw how much allopathic medicine has betrayed us."
Originally found at icmedicine.co.uk/journal/nov03/005.htm, credit may be due to Gary Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD, ND, Martin Feldman MD, Debora Rasio MD, Dorothy Smith PhD, October 2003

Fewer than one-fourth of doctors surveyed routinely ask their patients about their dietary habits.
Natural Health, Sept/Oct 1993

Current research suggests that 36% of physician visits are unnecessary; 36% of hospital admissions are caused by side-effects from other medical treatments; 53% of surgeries are unnecessary; and half of all time spent in hospitals isn't medically indicated.
Let's Live, Feb. 1995

Errors in judgement or technique concerning either the anesthesia or the surgery, or a combination of the two, contribute to close to 50% of the mortality in the operating room.
Dr. Arthur James Mannis

In 1976 in Bogota, Colombia, doctors went on strike during a 52-day period. The death rate went down 35% during that time. In Los Angeles in 1976, doctors went on strike to protest increasing costs of malpractice insurance. The death rate decreased by 18%. When the strike ended, the death rate returned to prestrike proportions. In Israel in 1973, during a month-long strike, the death rate dropped 50%. The last time the death rate had been that low was when there was a doctors's strike 20 years before.
Confessions of a Medical Heretic, Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.

..., the Physician's Desk Reference contains tremendous numbers of pharmaceuticals for which there is NO known mechanism of action---NO ONE can say how they work.Elliot Yudenfriend

Number of physicians in the U.S.: 700,000
Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year: 120,000
Accidental deaths per physician: 0.171
Number of gun owners in the U.S.: 80,000,000
Number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups): 1,500
Accidental deaths per gun owner: 0.0000188
Therefore, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.
Taken from the Benton County News Tribune on November 17, 1999, contributed by David Icke

The American Medical Association style of medicine (a philosophy I will henceforth call allopathic) has a model that explains the causes of illness. It suggests that anyone who is sick is a victim. Either they were attacked by a "bad" organism--virus, bacteria, yeast, pollen, cancer cell, etc.--or they have a "bad" organ--liver, kidney, gall bladder, even brain. Or, the victim may also have been cursed by "bad" genes.

In any case, the cause of the disease is not the person and the person is neither responsible for creating their own complaint nor capable of making it go away without medical intervention.

This institutionalized irresponsibility seems useful for both parties to the illness, doctor and patient. The patient is not required to do anything about their complaint except pay (a lot) and obediently follow the instructions of the doctor, submitting unquestioningly to their drugs and surgeries. The physician then acquires a role of being considered vital to the survival of others and thus obtains great status, prestige, authority, and financial remuneration.

Perhaps because the sick person is seen to have been victimized, and it is logically impossible to consider a victimizer as anything but something evil, the physician's cure is often violent, confrontational. Powerful poisons are used to rejigger body chemistry or to arrest the multiplication of disease bacteria or to suppress symptoms; if it is possible to sustain life without them, "bad," poorly-functioning organs are cut out. ....
Isabelle Moser MD in her book How And When To Be Your Own Doctor

The atrocities now being committed in the name of orthodox medicine, the suppression of life-giving scientific data, the needless loss of lives, the mutilation of bodies and excessive suffering... will not continue to be tolerated... ultimately these criminals and their political lackeys will be brought to trial.
Dr. Bruce Halstead

In my years of teaching in medical school, I had come to realize that medical students in an academic setting are more competitive and backbiting than a truckload of lawyers. They live out the Darwinian struggle in their quest to be one of the ‘fittest’ who stagger to graduation after four grueling years in medical school.

The single-minded pursuit of stellar medical school grades, without regard for the students surrounding you, no doubt follows a Darwinian model, but it always seemed to me an ironic pursuit for those who are striving to become compassionate healers.[1]
Bruce Lipton, PhD, who taught some 25 years as a professor at various universities, in his book The Biology of Belief

Compare On Modern Medicine, On Conventional Cancer Treatment, On Alternative Cancer Treatment and On Cancer Diagnosing.

Is there a cure for cancer? After 20 years of research

discover what this German expert thinks.


1 While Dr. Lipton's observation undoubtedly is true to fact, it must not be construed as meaning that there are no compassionate practitioners of a true healing art to be found among medical doctors. One of many who spring to mind is Neal D. Barnard, M.D. of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

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Is there a cure for cancer? After 20 years of research

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