Why Alternative Cancer Treatment
Alternative Diagnostic/Screening Methods
for detection & follow-up monitoring of cancer & malignant tumors
Compiled by Leonard, edited and complemented by Healing Cancer Naturally, Copyright © 2007–2022
Many or most conventional tests for cancer detection or follow-up have serious side effects including being cancer-causing or promoting themselves — be they x-rays, CT or PET scans incl. whole body CT scans with their risky levels of radiation, or biopsies.
All "alternative" methods have their pros, cons, and limitations as well — although generally speaking, the. “cons and limitations” of orthodox cancer diagnostic methods are typically far more serious — see caveats at the bottom of the page.
The following are miscellaneous notes compiled on alternative diagnostic techniques for detecting cancer. Some of the information is from unreliable sources.
For information on diagnostic tests to detect cancer, the best website I know of is www.cancure.org/12-links-page/62-laboratory-tests-that-detect-cancer .
They discuss laboratory tests “that are considered alternative or less toxic than standard conventional tests. Some of these tests are not used by conventional physicians, but you can always ask them to look into the test.
It is important to understand that one should not rely on any one test — some tests can result in false positives or negatives. One must take all clinical factors into consideration to back up a diagnosis.”
Screening tests listed include Biological Terrain Assessment (BTA), tests using cancer/tumor markers such as Alpha fetoprotein (AFP), CA 15.3 and CA125/CA125-II, Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), CBC blood test, Darkfield Microscopy, DR-70 blood test, ultrasound or sonogram, Lymphocyte Size Analysis, Maverick Monitoring Test (MMT), T/Tn Antigen Test, TK-1, tests for bladder cancer such as the bladder-tumor-associated antigen test (BTATM), the BTA stat test, the BTA TRAK® test, the fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products test (FDPTM), the NMP22TM assay and the new protein test, tests for breast cancer such as Acueity ductoscopy, Ductal lavage, Computed Tomography Laser Mammography (CTLM®) and Full Field Digital Mammography, blood test to detect a protein marker for breast cancer, magnetic resonance (MR) elastography, tests for colon/colorectal cancer such as Hemoccult Test and PreGen-26, tests for lung cancer such as Sputum cytology, tests for oral cancer, Pap Smears/PAPNET, Ampersand Medical's InPath™, PET-FDG, EVP: cancer marker for nasopharyngeal cancer, CA 19.9: cancer marker for pancreatic/stomach cancer, tests for prostate cancer such as Beckman Coulter's Hybritech free PSA (fPSA) test, PSA density test and Telomerase test, and finally tests for thyroid cancer: CEA markers and DMSA scans to help detect medullary thyroid cancer (MTC).
Miscellaneous diagnostic methods
DR-70 blood test
This relatively novel cancer test has shown high evels of accuracy for lung, stomach, breast and rectal cancers, see e.g. Clinical performance of the AMDL DR-70 immunoassay kit for cancer detection.
See Thermography
Self-Observation for Possible Early Warning Signs
from www.sambiser.com/discoveries/1_cancersigns.html:
“BISER: I know there are traditional warning signs, such as a change in a mole on the skin. But what did you learn from your own cancer?
KELLEY: Yes, sometimes there is a very early warning sign — an attack of what appears to be unusually severe indigestion. In and of itself, this attack has nothing to do with cancer, but what actually happens is that a blood clot hits the pancreas and wipes out anywhere from 10% to 75% of its function.
Naturally, unless the pancreas recovers its full function, the pancreatic enzymes will be in short supply and tumors will get a chance to grow. Indeed, every so often you find a cancer victim who traces all his trouble back to precisely such an attack of indigestion. They say they never really felt well again.
BISER: And what are some of the more common danger signs?
KELLEY: I can answer that from my own personal experience; as you know, I had a severe case of cancer myself. All the classical warning signs of the disease were there, and I was a cancer researcher at the time, so I should have spotted it quite early. But it was three solid years before it ever dawned on me what the problem was.
What are those warning signs? The first one was that I began to belch frequently. I didn‘t think much about it; I just supposed that I had eaten too much. Likewise, when, a few months later, I began to pass gas.
My second warning was when I began to have trouble with my eyes. I wasn‘t focusing as well, and my eye doctor prescribed bi-focals. I protested that 35 was too young for bi-focals, but the fact remained that I could see much better with them.
My third warning was when I began feeling constant fatigue, which is what characterizes cancer patients more than anything else. Muscle pains in my back and chest came soon after. I became depressed and the depression seemed to affect my mind. I became fuzzy-headed, and lost my usual clarity of thought. The doctor said that I was becoming a hypochondriac, but these were really my third or fourth warnings. I ignored them too.
The fifth warning was my hair. It became brittle and coarse. I started to go bald and the hair that remained suddenly started turning gray.
Finally, I developed a hernia, which is symptomatic of many types of malignancies. All in all, I was feeling so bad I returned to my doctor. Many tests later, he suggested I have a biopsy of my pancreas.
Then at long last, it dawned on me. I had cancer. Tests confirmed it. I had only a month to live. Only fellow cancer patients can understand the despair that overwhelmed me. It took about two weeks to overcome the shock and accept my fate.
Soon afterwards, and it had to be soon because by then I had only several weeks to go, I decided not to accept my fate and to fight back.”
Compare Cancer warning signs to watch out for.
Electrodermal Screening (EDS) or Electroacupuncture According to Voll (EAV)
In the early 1950s, Reinhold Voll, a German medical doctor, developed an electronic testing device for finding acupuncture points electrically. He was successful in finding acupuncture points and demonstrating that these points, known to Chinese acupuncturists for millennia, had a different resistance to a tiny electrical current passed through the body, than did the adjacent tissues.
Many other researchers have also verified that electrical conductance at the acupuncture points is significantly greater than the surrounding tissue.
Voll then began a lifelong search to identify correlations between disease states and changes in the electrical resistance of the various acupuncture points. He thought that if he could identify electrical changes in certain acupuncture points associated with certain diseases, then he might be able to identify those diseases more easily, or earlier, when treatment intervention was likely to be more effective.
Voll was successful in identifying many acupuncture points related to specific conditions and published a great deal of information about using acupuncture points diagnostically. (Until Voll, these points had been used mainly for treatment).
He found, for example, that patients with lung cancer had abnormal readings on the acupuncture points referred to as lung points. Changes also occurred in the electrical conductance of the acupuncture points supplying musculoskeletal structures that are inflamed.
Voll discovered that certain acupuncture points showed abnormal readings when subjects were reacting allergically. He made several serendipitous discoveries related to “allergy” testing.
He noted some unusual readings on certain acupuncture points when a patient had a bottle of medicine in his pocket. He could remove the bottle and consistently get different readings when the bottle was in his pocket compared to when it was not. At first he was baffled as to how a closed bottle of medicine outside the body could affect the acupuncture readings. It was even more baffling when he discovered that the glass bottle of medicine could change the readings when it was in contact anywhere along the closed electric circuit involved with the testing procedure.
Voll and his colleagues then began work to identify the nature of this strange phenomenon. They inserted a metal plate into the circuit and demonstrated that many substances that prelude changes in acupuncture point readings when ingested could produce the same changes when placed on the plate (even in closed glass bottles). They assumed that there must be some kind of electromagnetic energy being emitted from the substances, and that these energy fields somehow traveled along the electric circuit to the body (perhaps like the energy waves representing a person's voice travels along the electric circuitry of a telephone line).
(from www.biomeridian.com/voll.htm)
More on Dr. Reinhold Voll’s EAV
Medical intuitives
Pregnancy test (see below)
Many false negatives.
Dogs reportedly are extremely reliable in sniffing melanoma; also can smell some other cancers and can smell bladder cancer in urine.
AMAS (Anti-Malignin Antibody In Serum)
(Mediocre reliability)
From www.amascancertest.com:
“The AMAS Cancer test is an innovative test that is based on levels of a specific antibody, shown to be elevated in a wide range of cancer types. This makes it different from most cancer tests which generally measure levels of an antigen associated with a particular cancer type. Oncolab Inc., the developer of the AMAS test, currently processes test results using samples from blood drawn at independent labs around North America. We are committed to quality assurance and rapid customer feedback.
The AMAS test measures serum levels of AMA, an antibody found to be elevated in most patients with a wide range of active non-terminal malignancies.
AMA is the antibody to Malignin, a 10,000 Dalton polypeptide which has been found to be present in most malignant cells regardless of cell type or location (refs.1 to 8). Unlike tests such as CEA, which measure less well-defined antigens whose serum levels tend to be inconstant but elevated late in the disease, the AMAS test measures a well-defined antibody whose serum levels rise early in the course of the disease. In some cases, the AMAS test has been positive (elevated) early, i.e. 1 to 19 months before clinical detection.
All of the data, from both Bogoch et al. (ref.4) and from the independent study performed by SmithKline Laboratories(ref.6) support the fact that the AMA (Anti-Malignin Antibody) is elevated almost regardless of the site or cell type of the malignancy; that is, AMA is a general transformation antibody, not just for one particular kind of cancer. For sera shipped overnight, false positives are 5% and false negatives 7% (3,315 double-blind tests of patients and controls, refs. 4, 6 and 8).”
Comments on the AMAS test
1) AMAS test unreliable for prostate cancer screening and assessments:
For prostate cancer, the AMAS test has been shown to be very unreliable on both sides of the coin with false negatives and false positives. According to the moderator/author of a prostate cancer forum with years of experience coaching/helping clients with prostate cancer, the AMAS test is unreliable and gives a false positive or false negative in about 80% of the AMAS testing he has observed over a 10 year period tracking it for prostate cancer, making it virtually worthless in his eyes for this type of cancer. He cannot speak to the reliability of the test on other cancers.
2) AMAS test did not detect a bladder tumor:
“Both a CT-Scan and an AMAS missed a growing bladder tumor after a 'lowly' Urine Cytology indicated cancer cells present. I elected to wait until my next visual exam via Cystoscope and a small tumor was evident.
A highly respected alternative practitioner I know does not speak well of AMAS and after my experience I don't think I will use it again. My experience was two years ago and as a result we can rule out it being indicative of a 'terminal' indication. I do not allow 'routine' CT-Scans any longer as both the AMAS and the CT-Scan failed to reveal cancer.”
3) On AMAS test accuracy:
“They claim 7% accuracy on false negatives and 1% if the test is taken again within a week. An LA doctor experienced with this test says false negative/positive accuracy is probably closer to 15% --- BUT that is still better than most other cancer blood tests. Medicare pays for it. Otherwise it currently costs $165 plus lab fees for shipment, etc.”
Hulda Clark's Syncrometer tests
Info on Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark’s approach to the healing of cancer at
The Cure For All Cancers (excerpts).
Dr. Schandl’s Cancer Profile©
from cancercontrolsociety.com/bio2003/schandl.html:
EMIL SCHANDL, Ph.D. received a B.A. Degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara (Analytical Biology), M.S. from San Diego State University, San Diego, California (Biochemistry and Enzymology) and a Ph.D. from the Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University, Tallahassee (Molecular Genetics). He pursued training in Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Laboratory Medicine at a Humana Hospital in Hollywood, Florida.
Since 1977, Dr. Schandl has been the Director of the Center for Metabolic Disorders, CA Laboratory and currently American Metabolic Laboratories and Metabolic Research, Inc., a not-for-profit, tax exempt research organization. He is the inventor/designer of the blood tests Cancer Profile©, (CA Profile©) for early detection and follow-up of malignancies, and also of the Longevity Profile©, an expansion of the Cancer Profile. These blood test panels can foretell cancer, heart disease, bone loss and lack of longevity factors, years before a diagnosis can be made by any other methods.
Presently Dr. Schandl is working on the development of cancer specific antibodies and the applicability of stem cells in various diseased conditions. He will speak on The Cancer Profile Blood Marker Test.
Urine test for cancer screening
http://whyfiles.org/shorties/urine_test.html (urine test article by David Tenenbaum), see also Ed Griffin’s World Without Cancer for more info.
Urine testing for urinary tract cancer
According to the book "Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice" by Alfred H. Free and Helen M. Free, "Urine testing for urinary tract malignancies is a safe, easy procedure, which can replace or supplement other forms of cancer detection."
A promising early test for pancreatic cancer
Update November 2014: New 'universal' blood test for cancer discovered: "Lymphocyte Genome Sensitivity" cancer test
See details at www.bradford.ac.uk/mediacentre/news-releases/blood-test-for-cancer.php as well as the scientific study (October 2014) Sensitivity and specificity of the empirical lymphocyte genome sensitivity (LGS) assay: implications for improving cancer diagnostics which details the lymphocyte responses from 208 individuals — both healthy and with cancers of various types.
Various comments & notes on diagnostic techniques [not evaluated by Healing Cancer Naturally]
Pregnancy test for cancer screening?
Edward Griffin claims that the cancer can be detected by simple pregnancy test, with an accuracy of better than 92%, quote: "...take a pregnancy test and only consider positive results as a possible indicator of cancer. If you have negative results (not pregnant) you may not want to take these test results to heart and should consider other tests." (alternativecancer.us/#Warnings). The "Warnings" section of Alternative Cancer Comparison web site at http://alternativecancer.us/#Warnings has six interesting warnings, the last is this: “A Safe Cancer Test — Is a Biopsy Necessary?
Paraphrased from G. Edward Griffin's enlightening book World Without Cancer, a safe alternative to expensive and/or injurious, or invasive tests:
All trophoblast[1] cells produce a unique hormone called the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) which is easily detected in urine. Thus if a person is either pregnant, has a serious injury, or has cancer, a simple hCG pregnancy test should confirm either. It does, with an accuracy of better than 92% in all cases. If the urine sample shows positive it means either normal pregnancy or abnormal malignant cancer.
The appearance of hCG at the site of a serious injury is due to the fact that trophoblast cells are the first line healing cells of our body which should be turned off after healing has established itself. The failure to turn off is the cause of cancer in many cases.”
For more on Griffin’s statements re pregnancy test as cancer indicator, see for instance The Ultimate Cancer Conspiracy: Vitamin B17 (Laetrile/Amygdalin).
Navarro Test (hCG Urine Immunoassay)
Efren F. Navarro, M.D. (Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Santo Tomas), 3553 Sining Street Morningsdide Terrace, Santa Mesa, Manila 1016, Philippines, efren.navarroATnavarromedicalclinic.com .
Quote from cancercontrolsociety.com/Navarro.htm: “EFREN NAVARRO, M.D., ... In 1996, he returned to the Philippines to continue the work of his father, Manuel Navarro, M.D., developer of the controversial Beta HGC [human chorionic gonadotrophin] Immunoassay Test for Cancer. The Navarros say the urine test detects the presence of the substance "hCG," indicating the presence of cancer cells before signs or symptoms develop.
The test is based on a theory that cancer is related to misplaced trophoblast[1] cells that secrete hCG. As a consequence, Dr. Navarro says that a measure of the amount of hCG found in blood or urine also measures the degree of malignancy. The higher the number, the greater the malignancy. He also says that cancer patients can use the test to measure the effectiveness of any therapy.”
More at www.navarromedicalclinic.com
The CA Profile©
Bill Henderson, author of Cure Your Cancer, writes about the CA Profile© test: The best way I know of to monitor your recovery from cancer is with a test from the American Metabolic Testing Laboratory in Hollywood, Florida. At their web site www.caprofile.net, you will see the various options, including a modernized version of the hCG [human chorionic gonadotropin] test.
The web site... includes a phone number for Dr. Emil Schandl, who runs this lab. He is quite willing to answer questions. He does not accept Medicare (they don't have a code for this test), but most other insurance companies will pay for this test. To get your insurance to pay for it, you need a prescription for the test from your doctor. If that is a problem, Dr. Schandl says they have a physician at the clinic who will write the prescription for you. This may mean your insurance will not pay for it, however.
Best bet, call Dr. Schandl and get specific answers for your particular situation. The major advantage of the hCG test is that it provides you a specific number which corresponds to the level of cancer cells in your body, wherever they are. So, unlike the various blood marker tests, it does not look for specific antigens, like the ovarian, breast, prostate, etc. cancer tests do. By tracking the trend of the hCG number, you can tell if whatever you are doing is working to heal your cancer.
The hCG test measures the number of "abnormally dividing cells" in your body. That's why it is used as a pregnancy test, where the result is "Yes" or "No." For this test's purposes, a fetus is considered a set of "abnormally dividing cells." For a cancer patient, however, what you want is a number, which indicates the level of cancer (abnormally dividing) cells.
More on the CA Profile©: “Dr. Emil Schandl, M.S. Ph.D, [M.D., M.A.], FACB, SC (ASCP), CC (NRCC), LNC, CLD, a Clinical Biochemist and Oncobiologist with the Center for Metabolic Disorders and American Metabolic Testing Laboratories, has developed a battery of blood tests designed to predict your risk of developing cancer (CA) long before symptoms occur. This CA Profile© includes the hCG and hCG b hormones, PHI (phosphohexose isomerase) and GGTP (g-glutamyl transpeptidase) enzymes, CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen), TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), and DHEA-S (dehydroepiandrosterone, the "anti-stress, immunity, and longevity hormone"). Dr. Schandl also suggests a PTH (parathyroid hormone) test to evaluate calcium status in the bones.
The CA Profile© yields 90-97 positives out of 100 pathologically established malignancies.” (from caprofile.net)
Dr. Douglas Brodie on Schandl's tests versus Navarro's tests
Dr. Douglas Brodie, M.D. (at CancerControlSociety.com Doctors Convention, 9/03) said Schandl's tests are enormously better than Navarro's tests. Dr. Brodie uses hCGs [human chorionic gonadotropin] and says never to rely on a single test.
"I suggest Richard Fleming's scintimammography. Unlike other scintimammographers, Fleming gets gorgeous pix in sharp color. He can tell you the difference between tissue that's merely inflamed, tissue that's...odd, and tissue that's cancerous. He says he's catching pre-cancerous cells up to five years before mammogram. He also gets axillary images." (12/19/01) Richard Fleming M.D., cardiologist, 9290 West Dodge Road, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68114, 402-343-0800 "did the scintimammography on my breast..developed the breast technique only after having developed it for the heart. You will get a more complete and accurate picture of what's going on in/on your chest". (2/04)
"I have heard that you only get tired taking PawPaw if you don't have cancer."
Dr. William Kelley: pancreatic enzymes
Dr. William Kelley mentioned something about taking a large amount of pancreatic enzymes on an empty stomach. Reportedly you'll feel sick afterward if & only if you have cancer.
Some information on pancreatic enzymes in the treatment of cancer in Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder Healed: Part 2: The Use of Proteolytic (Pancreatic) Enzyme Treatment.
Ruth Sackman (author of Rethinking Cancer: Non-Traditional Approaches to the Theories, Treatments, and Prevention of Cancer)
Ruth Sackman (as of 2005?) reportedly says (paraphrased): "Cancer progression can best be monitored by cell proliferation tests. I believe it is called hCG ... test. AMAS test is not very reliable in terms of determining if there are live cancer cells in your blood."
Color Doppler Sonogram
You can monitor whether you have a tumor (or not) by getting a Color Doppler Sonogram from Dr. Bard in NYC.
Power Color Doppler Sonogram/Color Power Doppler Imaging: comment regarding prostate cancer
“This non-invasive test will tell you if you have a prostate tumor. It cannot detect cancer cells per se. But if the cells form any kind of mass, this machine will see it. Dr. Bard in NYC has used this method for a number of years to detect prostate cancer. It is more accurate than a biopsy and far more comfortable. It is worth the trip for peace of mind. PSA is a marker. Dr. Bard said that he has had people with a reading of 900 and no cancer and some with less than 3 who did. Prostate biopsies are really ‘hunt and cut’. [Also compare Biopsy & Surgery Can Spread Cancer.]
Go to www.cancerscan.com and click on Prostate Cancer Detection.”
Many find kinesiology (muscle testing) a very useful diagnostic tool, although I do not know whether it has been successfully (accurately) used in cancer diagnostics.
Cancer tests possibly available in Germany
German physician Dr. Rudolf Sklenar employed a special blood-staining technique for diagnostic and follow-up purposes, complemented by iridology (iris examination) to determine the location (not the exact nature) of the disease and follow treatment progress.
Dr. med. Dr. phil. Emil Scheller developed a cancer test designed to evaluate a person's cellular metabolism (cellular respiration) to predict cancer risk.
Note for people using alternative treatments
You may wish to make sure to not jeopardize any progress you may be making thanks to the approach you are following by submitting to constant conventional tests involving ionising radiation and other damaging procedures.
For a very alternative opinion and insights into the subject (and usefulness and advisability) of diagnostic testing and monitoring, see holistic and alternative cancer treatment researcher Lothar Hirneise On Aftercare Tests (with whose opinion I much agree) as well as On the risks vs. benefits of cancer screening in healthy (asymptomatic) people (as seen by a professor of medicine).
Is there a cure for cancer? After 20 years of research |
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1 Trophoblast (embryology): a layer of tissue on the outside of a mammalian blastula, supplying the embryo with nourishment and later forming the major part of the placenta. (New Oxford Dictionary of English). Also see Trophoblast theory of the origin of cancer.
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For caveats regarding conventional cancer detection and follow-up methods, see
- Cancer “Overdiagnosing” and “Overtreatment: Do be aware!
- On the risks vs. benefits of cancer screening in healthy (asymptomatic) people
- Lothar Hirneise On Aftercare Tests
- Biopsies Can Spread Cancer
- Ionizing Radiation (Fluoroscopy/ Mammography/Medical X-Rays) Proven Causes of Breast Cancer
- On Health Effects (Cancer Risk) of Small Doses of Ionizing Radiation
- Testimonial: rushed into conventional breast cancer treatment: a woman’s horror story of manipulation, dishonesty, callousness, lack of integrity & ethics and the trauma, pain, shock, disfigurement and regret she experienced.