Budwig Diet

Testimonial: chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Dramatic improvement in under two months thanks to Budwig protocol

by Healing Cancer Naturally © 2024 Copyright Notice

"This is already the 3rd report on this form of leukemia that was sent to me (this one from Switzerland sent shortly before Christmas 2016):

'In September 2016, on my 56th birthday, I was diagnosed with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) by my doctor.

When I first asked what to do, the doctor explained the following procedure to me:

- Wait until I'm much sicker than I am now (i.e. my immune system completely down, constant serious illnesses such as pneumonia etc.) Then have chemotherapy, although he couldn't promise me that this would be of any use. If the chemotherapy does help, we could then see if it would be possible to have a bone marrow transplant, but the prognosis is not very positive here either.

Fortunately, it's not in my character to just do nothing and wait, especially not with such a poor prognosis! On the way home, I thought about how I might be able to achieve something. I quickly realised that it could be through diet. After all, diabetics can improve their condition if they eat differently, as can rheumatism sufferers and allergy sufferers. So I searched the internet and luckily came across your website.

I was quickly convinced that this could work! So I got everything I needed and started on the diet for the sick the very next day. I stuck to it without exception, even though I often have appointments away from home.

But with a bit of organisation, that's no problem either.

After just 2 weeks I had the first noticeable improvements — much less tired, no more night sweats.

After 4 weeks I got the first compliments, I look very refreshed and younger! (although no-one had ever thought I looked ill before)

After 6 weeks I realised that the greatly enlarged lymph gland on my neck (originally the size of a €2 piece and round as a ball) was now very small and almost flat.

And now I've been back to the doctor for a blood test after 7 weeks of changing my diet. On 10 October 2016, my leukocyte count had been 64.5 g/l (reference range 3.5 — 10.5 g/l). On 7 November 2016, I started the oil-protein diet according to Dr Budwig = 7 weeks. My leucocyte count today, on 23 December 2016: 35.5 g/l !!!!

Is there a better Christmas present?????

It's a shame that I can no longer thank Dr Budwig. But we can all make sure that her findings are spread and that as many people as possible can benefit from them!

I will continue to report on progress.

Many thanks and best regards, T. S.'"

The above testimonial was translated from the German original appearing on www.oel-eiweiss-kost.de, Michael Bierschenk's website. Michael also is the author of "Dr Budwig's Oil-Protein Diet — How To Get It Right — The Ultimate Guide" written to "fill in all the gaps". This important book was published in 2023 on Amazon as a Kindle and a paperback. It is also available as a downloadable PDF at a discount.

... and for all the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

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