Nature Heals

Urea: other important applications in cancer treatment

Urea for wound disinfection & edema treatment

Copyright © 2014 Healing Cancer Naturally

While the page Urea treatment as a cancer cure already reports on spectacular tumor healing successes with the urine compound urea such as with eye cancer, skin cancer, liver cancer and liver metastases, this page addresses two additional therapeutic uses of urea in cancer and other therapy which can save lives.

Urea helps disinfect open sores

As early as the year 1900, German researcher Dr. Z. F. Spiro reported that urea solutions possess the ability to dissolve foreign proteins (viruses as well as allergens are proteins). Two years later, follow-up research published by W. Ramsden reported that urea was antibacterial and prevented putrefaction in wounds. Bactericidal urea deodorizes even the deepest foul-smelling wounds thanks to its extreme diffusibility.

Dr. William M. Millar of the University of Cincinnati's Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, pioneered the use of urea for the treatment of malignant wounds and published his results in the paper "Urea Crystals in Cancer" (1933).

He reported that the Cincinnati General Hospital's tumor clinic had been using urea crystals to combat the penetrating odor of sloughing cancerous lesions. Packed into the wound, the crystals deodorized the ulcer to a great extent, with its offensive character lessening with each successive application.

Urea crystals have never been observed to cause dermatitis.

Urea prevents brain and other edema

Urea in addition to being widely used as an effective skin moisturizer and a systemic diuretic and topical skin treatment, is also prescribed to reduce excess fluid pressure on the brain and eyes.

Intravenous urea saved the life of a brain cancer patient with severe cerebral post-operative edema (Dr. M. Javid)

Manucher Javid MD was an associate professor of surgery at the University of Wisconsin Medical School. At a symposium on head and neck surgery held in 1957, he reported on a number of remarkable cases where the clinical use of urea was literally life-saving:

On the fourth postoperative day after removing a small brain tumor, one patient had developed serious swelling of the brain. Showing signs of increased intracranial pressure and progressive lethargy, she became unresponsive, with her pupils dilating and becoming fixed and her blood pressure rising.

While preparations were made for another emergency operation, she was given urea by intravenous injection. Within twenty minutes her blood pressure normalized and her pupils reacted to light again.

Dr. Javid comments, "In this case, urea was definitely life-saving, because prior to its administration the patient was in critical condition and her survival until surgical decompression could be done was unlikely ...In many similar instances urea was found to be life-saving."

Newly developed brain tumor vanished without a trace thanks to intravenous urea

Another brain tumor patient of Dr. Javid's had his cerebral tumor surgically removed but just three months later, developed another massive tumor in his brain. Dr. Javid administered 256 ml of 30 percent urea and within a span of just two hours, the bulging mass had competely disappeared.

Dr. Javid also reported on the use of urea on 25 patients with eye diseases and found that urea was more effective for relieving intraocular pressure than Diamox (referring to cases of acute and chronic glaucoma, orbital tumors and other conditions — Diamox is a sulfa drug with numerous reported side effects including fatalities).

In spite of all its advantages, urea is not listed as a diuretic in the Physicians' Desk Reference[1] (according to Martha Christy, author of the classic Your Own Perfect Medicine, see Urine therapy books).

Dr. Manucher Javid — mostly in collaboration with other researchers — published extensively on his clinical trials and experiences with urea treatment of excess cerebral and spinal pressure, inoperable brain tumors, brain edema, water retention, meningitis, chronic glaucoma, hydrocephalus, delirium tremens and epilepsy. Surprisingly (or rather not) no details of his results are made available online ("No abstract available" on the biomedical database PubMed), see e.g. the following papers.

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1 Now called "Prescriber's Digital Reference" (PDR), a regularly updated compilation of prescription drugs' prescribing information.

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