Nature Heals

More cancer successes with urine compounds, derivatives & extracts

Researchers discover cancer-fighting elements in human urine

Capistrán Institute, H.11, Retine, DHEA

Copyright © 2012 Healing Cancer Naturally

As with other pages addressing the power of individual urine components such as urea in healing cancer, the following research results showing the successes obtained with different types of urine fractions are meant to "bring home" to the reader the potential of what the "real thing" (urine) can (and has already proven to) achieve in terms of health and healing, which in contrast to clinical treatment, involves you with no cost or other inconveniences (see the detailed coverage under Urine Treatment).

Dr Capistrán: fighting cancer with antigen vaccines from the patient's own urine

Dr Salvador Capistrán and his medical staff in Mexico have treated cancer and malignant tumours for more than fifteen years with excellent results using personalized vaccines derived from the specific antigens found in each patient's urine.

As many other doctors and researchers, Dr. Capistrán is aware that the urine excreted by our body contains the keys to the cure of numerous diseases, including cancer, in its sediment. Extracting those therapeutic properties and administering them to more than 8000 patients so far, no negative side effects or adverse reactions have been observed.

Dr Capistrán presented the success his team has obtained in treating cancer patients using antigen-based vaccines developed from the patient's own urine at the "First International Congress on Complementary and Alternative Treatments in Cancer", held on May 14 and 15, 2005, in Madrid, Spain.

His website (Spanish language) used to be .

Anti-cancer urine extract H.11 (or H-11)

On 31 July 1943, Dr J.H. Thompson reported in the British Medical Journal in a paper titled "H-11 for cancer" on successes obtained with the urine extract named H.11 on cancer patients. In thousands of laboratory studies[1] (and subsequently by more than 300 physicians and researchers), it had been shown that H.11 was effective in treating malignancies and suppressing the growth of cancerous cells in humans, with the studies spanning some twelve years..

H-11 therapy has been studied on numerous types of cancer (gastro-intestinal, bladder, kidney, breast, uterus, cervix, brain tumors including neuroblastomas, meningoblastomas and astrocytomas, lymphosarcomas, skin melanomas...) with good results. Osteosarcomas responded less well (just 50%) as did anaplastic tumors. Leukemia does not seem to respond to H-11.

In spite of the excellent results obtained by hundreds of researchers, their findings were ignored by the general medical community and H-11 was not publicised as a medical treatment for cancer.

For a detailed coverage of H-11 therapy for cancer including a list of many studies done with H.11, see Anti-cancer urine extract H.11.

Urine extract "Retine" against malignant tumors

In 1963, no less a luminary than Nobelist Albert Szent-Györgyi (et al.) published a study in Science Magazine titled "Preparation of retine from human urine" which had been backed by grants from the US National Institute of Health and the US National Science Foundation.

Exploring artificially induced malignant cancer tumors in mice[1], this study focused on the effects of an anti-cancer element found and extracted from human urine which the researchers dubbed "retine": The report explains that

"Certain fractions of the urine of children have been shown to stop the growth of transplanted malignant cancer tumors in mice. The substance responsible for this action was called retine. We have since found a similar activity in the urine of adults of about 20-25 years."

Applying retine on different types of malignant tumors, the researchers found that "smaller doses of retine inhibit growth of the tumors, while bigger ones actually make the tumors regress."

When a group of mice was injected with 30 million live cancer cells and developed tumors, they were subsequently treated with retine with the result that "the tumors of the mice treated with 6 units of retine for a week, upon examination, were found to contain very little live cancer tissue and consisted chiefly of dead cancer cells."

Surprisingly (or rather, unsurprisingly for the initiated[2]) retine did not receive further attention as a potential anti-cancer agent for humans.

Auto-urine extract heals cancer and shrinks tumors

Published in the German journal Zeitschrift für Innere Medizin (Journal of Internal Medicine) in 1961, a Dr. Novak reported on the "Therapeutic results of the use of an auto-urine extract on malignant tumors" in 21 patients with gastric, colon, rectal, breast, lung, uterine, lymph node and gallbladder cancer, respectively.

Dr. Novak's treatment consisted in injecting a urine extract made from the patient's own urine. The amazing results achieved in most of these patients were corroborated with x-ray photos.

One case concerned a woman of 60 who had metastatic malignant tumors in the upper central region of her abdomen and in her liver. After 4 injections of the urine extract, she both felt better and radiological x-rays showed a distinct reduction in her tumors.

Following six weeks of treatment, her upper abdomen showed no more obstructions and her liver had returned to normal. Even two years after the injection treatments were stopped (the time of reporting), no relapse had occurred.

Another case history concerned a woman of 52 who suffered from jaundice (serum bilirubin 11 mg%) and a tumor in the right abdomen (epi- and mesogastrium), which exploratory laparotomy (opening of the abdominal wall) showed to be advanced gallbladder cancer metastasised to the liver, cecum (beginning of the large intestine) and transverse colon.

Only five injections of the "personalized" urine extract later, her tumor had shrunk, her liver had reduced in size and her serum bilirubin had decreased to 1.6 mg%. She was followed for ten months in which she exhibited no symptoms, the only rare exception being an upset stomach following dietary irregularities.


Dehydroepiandrosterone (also known under the more user-friendlly designation DHEA) is a steroid hormone found in large quantities in urine which has significant anti-cancer, anti-obesity, and anti-aging properties (according to Saul Kent in the article "DHEA: 'MIRACLE' DRUG?" published in Geriatrics in September 1982).

DHEA added to a culture medium containing rodent cells and two potent chemical carcinogens was found to be remarkably effective in protecting these cells against the cancer-causing agents.

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1 Healing Cancer Naturally does not endorse animal experimentation on both ethical and scientific grounds, see Cancer Research, Toxicity Testing & Animal Experimentation: an Unholy Union?.

2 See On Cancer Business & the Cancer Industry (Quotes and facts).

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