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Advice by Terminal Cancer Victor

by © copyright 2021 Healing Cancer Naturally

The following is detailed advice given by a man who in November 2004 was diagnosed with kidney cancer and was given only months to live unless he had both kidneys removed. In spite of his doctors' insistence he refused, since he knew what this meant in terms of quality and extension of life (average life on dialysis is 3.4 years and transplant patients due to the necessary permanent suppression of their immune system face serious dangers incl. a recurrence of cancer).[1]

After much research he concluded that cancer needed to be attacked from many different angles to be put into remission. He opted for a combination of diet (mostly freshly juiced vegetables and proper food combining), a range of supplements and the use of a Rife machine[2], cutting his meat intake to ten percent of his total diet.

In January 2006 (after many intermediate checkups showing continuous tumor shrinkage), he had another set of blood work and a full abdominal CT run showing no signs of active cancer. All blood work and urinalysis testing came back in the normal range, with his lymph nodes also back to normal and his liver showing no sign of infiltration. His kidneys, formerly filled with large cancerous masses, showed necrotic (dead) areas in their stead.

I have salvaged and slightly edited the following "reflections" on his cancer remission journey from his website which no longer exists. It was taken down after he died in his sleep — but not of cancer, as shown by regular blood tests all the way up to his death confirming that his cancer was no longer active.

This successful cancer fighter shares much valuable advice for other potential cancer survivors.

I have now passed the year mark and am officially classed as a cancer survivor. On 4 November, 2004, I was told I had cancer. On 9 November, 2004, I was then told that without the removal of my kidneys, I would most probably not see Easter of 2005.

During the ensuing months, all emotions ran wild, to say the least. Everything and anything ranging from fear, guilt, anger, and despondency, to mention just a few, hit me. No one is immune from the mental anguish of a life-threatening illness. Yet through it all there came a certain peace and serenity that only faith in Jesus Christ as savior can explain. It does not mean that I did not experience the full brunt of the emotional load. Far from it. This page is the result of a retrospective review of my survival of the first year.

Before we go any further, I should state that no one, no doctor or other person of any type can "cure" cancer. No treatment regimen, vitamin, mineral, or supplement will cure cancer either. The person who suffers from the debilitating effects of cancer is the only one who can treat and cure themselves. And, the only successful way to do this is by making the whole body as strong as possible. Failure to treat the entire body will result in a high probability of failure to keep cancer at bay, once it has come to call.

Most doctors will tell you that if the cancer is cut out, or burned out or drugged out through conventional means and there is no sign of reoccurrence for 5 years, the person is "cured". However, cancers can return, and frequently much more aggressively after a long period of remission.

This does not mean that you need to live your life in fear of that happening, it simply means that you must be aware of the probability and work to: (1) prevent its return, and (2) actively fight it if it does reemerge.

NOTE: Vitamins, minerals and supplements should be considered as nothing more than necessary things to TEMPORARILY bring your body back to a normal state. Do not rely upon them forever to do the job. That is doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. It does require a lifestyle change and paying attention to detail.

Vitamins, minerals, and supplements can help to maintain the system, but they are not a substitute for proper nutrition, exercise, and mental health. Nor are they a proper substitute for adequate medical supervision.

As much as my story is about my own successful treatment of cancer without modern medical intervention, it is not necessarily the best path for others to choose. I cannot make that determination in your case. Nor can a doctor, your spouse, siblings, children, or friends. You and you alone are the only one able to determine what is the best course for you to follow.

First and foremost on the list is the issue of your mental health/attitude toward surviving. [...] This is also a time for a very serious note. Not everything is curable. Not everyone will walk away from their cancer or its side effects. Life is a very fleeting thing at best and to ignore the concept of eternal existence of your soul, the existence of God, heaven and hell, is something worth serious consideration.

This is the age of enlightenment. Science rules. Religious belief/belief in God is archaic, outmoded, old-fashioned. No intelligent, educated person still believes that stuff, right? Well, the choice is yours, and like all things surrounding cancer, you had best choose wisely because there are not too many second chances to survive. I will throw out one simple thought... “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God...” Psalms 53:1 If you choose not to believe in God and Jesus Christ as your savior, that's fine with me, but you better be sure it is fine with your own soul and the pending immortality you face.

Cancer can serve as a clarion call. If you pay attention, you may just learn something that saves your life eternally. If not, well that is one more decision you have had to make whether or not you realize it.

Now comes the time to consider what to do and why about cancer. Regardless of what most people say, there is no reliable predictor as to whether or not cancer will re-appear. I personally believe that the best course of action is the one that you are most comfortable with.

In reality, if there is an opportunity to remove a tumor or lesion without threat to life and limb, do so and do so immediately. Be thankful that such can be done. Procrastination in many, many cases will lead to an agonizing death. Yet to blindly accept a course of action laid out by someone else without understanding the ramifications of those actions including side effects, drug reactions, etc... is a mistake of the first order.

As much as the medical profession touts radiation and chemotherapy as the only viable adjunct treatments to surgical intervention, please pause to consider that there are only 7 types of cancer where chemo has proven relatively successful in long term remissions. There are absolutely no studies as of this time and place that demonstrate either of these postsurgical treatments reliably prevent cancer from re-occurring.

Taking charge of your health and maintaining an overall healthy state of mind and body will go far toward your own success. In order to measure something quantifiable and keep tabs on success, there are test routines to consider. There are a number of things that also need to be looked at from a maintenance standpoint. How you deal with the situation with the visible cancer removed is quite different than making cancer go away with no allopathic interventions.

Because this was my first foray into the world of medicine other than emergency treatment of broken body parts, there was much to learn and almost no time to do it in. I realistically took a shot in the dark and got lucky. Let's explore the why's and wherefores. Both my mother and father died of cancer as did my maternal grandmother. I honestly never paid much attention to what they did and all three were treated only with allopathic methods. Three for three is not a good batting average when the results are all negative.

When first diagnosed, I talked with a number of people, some close friends, but mostly acquaintances. I asked everyone for input as I had no reference materials for a framework to develop a plan around. The people I initially talked to all had different cancer stories to relay, some about themselves, most about close friends and relatives. These stories divided into two different groups; those who used natural treatment programs (with and without modern medicine involved) and those who used only modern medical treatments.

I was not "trying" to find an excuse for not doing conventional treatment. I was trying to find a way to stay alive with the best possible chance of doing so. I simply made notes and compiled data. I did not look for a lot of specifics as to who did what kind of thing, but rather which general course of action held the most promise.

All in the natural group used some, if not all natural treatments rather than just, "What the doctor ordered." Roughly 2/3 had some form of conventional medical treatment that was augmented by natural substances. All who utilized natural treatments were hopeful and all had survived cancer at least short term because of them taking charge of their lives.

Of the 18 people I talked to, even those that relayed stories of friends and relatives who died from cancer (8) while using only natural treatments were blessed with a better quality of life throughout their final days. That to me was something worth noting.

I still did not know whether or not I could beat what I had. Renal cell carcinoma is a refractive does not readily respond to chemo or radiation, so if surgery does not work, there really is little that can be done in advanced stages other than palliative (for pain-relieving purposes) treatment. It is not the fastest form of cancer, but it is among the deadliest with extremely grim statistics for stage 3 and 4 cases.[3]

So a big check mark in the favor of natural treatment was that quality of life overall was better. To me, just surviving is not sufficient. To live a prolonged life of pain and agony does not benefit either me or my family. I may suffer with the illness, but those around me that I love would also suffer just as much or more in their own ways. This was neither good nor fair to them.

Everyone I talked to about conventional treatments had stories, but almost all were ended in premature death by cancer or the direct side effects of either chemo or radiation. Only 6 out of 51 survived cancer long term. Right up front, that did not sound good.

I started investigating the terms used when discussing "survival". One of the great problems I have with modern medicine is their approach to the "truth" about surviving. It seemed impossible to believe that there were so many ways to calculate life's length when trying to express the added value of medicine. Silly me, I thought that survival meant living; perhaps more aptly put, outliving the prognosis for one's disease. Boy, was I wrong on that count.

I will also throw in a few other terms commonly used when discussing survival and cancer in the same sentence. All these words have a great impact on what is being told to you. If you fail to sort them out, fail to fully understand their meanings, you will be quite possibly led to believe you are cured or your treatments will greatly add to your life when frequently that is not the case.

From a statistical standpoint, many of the treatments offered appear much better than what you will experience. It is really just a numbers game and before you make a firm decision as to what course of treatment to follow, you should consider exactly what is being told to you. It is not just making the decision that is important, it is making an informed decision. Don't blindly jump at something either allopathic or natural simply because it appears good. Understand what is being said before you agree to do it.

In a moment we will look at a very short discussion on terminology including CURE. I firmly believe that cancer, at this stage of the game, is not curable. You cannot cure that which you do not know the cause of. You can put it in remission and keep it there, but if it can come back, it was not cured in the first place.

Please consider carefully the following thought: The big business called the health care industry constantly presents itself as the only source of CREDIBLE, SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED, SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN information. But are those true statements?[17]

Let's stroll down memory lane for a couple of centuries and think about the "cure" used for hundreds of years for most ailments; bloodletting. It was the scientifically tested, proven, credible treatment of the age. Don't seem to run into that much anymore, do you?

Are you old enough to remember when margarine was considered much more healthy than butter? Guess what, not so any more. How about nursing babies? There was a 30 plus year run of formula being much better for babies than mother's milk, IN ALL INSTANCES. Remember that?

How about drinking milk to help ulcers? It has now been "discovered" that milk actually aggravates stomach ulcer conditions, yet for 50+ years this was the treatment of choice.

If you were growing up in the 50s and 60s or had children during that time and they had asthma, do you remember being told that keeping your child in an enclosed pool area was beneficial because of the humidity? Well, now they have figured out that the chlorine is damaging asthmatics much more severely than previously considered.

Eggs for years were considered the less than perfect food; would run cholesterol way up. Now they are considered one of the more beneficial things you can eat. Last but not least on the list of questionable information concepts is the FDA itself.

Think back just over the last couple of years as to how many "safe and proven" drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter varieties, have been pulled because of serious side effects including hundreds, if not thousands of deaths. And these were drugs that were fully tested, scientifically analyzed, credibly presented as safe and effective. Anybody want to use some VIOXX today?

The point of this is to make you think twice about what anyone says when they tell you that the only way to cure something is their way. That includes me along with everyone else.

What I developed as a theory to fight cancer worked for me. It is logical and based upon the best information available as of today. Will it hold up forever? Will what I do work for you? Not a clue, to be perfectly honest. The same goes for any other protocol you come across or develop on your own. If it works for you, it is right for you. If it makes sense, is logical, has credible scientific evidence that is at least current in nature to back up what is being promoted, it then is at least worthy of consideration.

Like most researchers out there, I can make a reasonable claim about what I developed and it has as of this time a 100% success rate; ME. In theory it should work for just about any form of cancer, but would probably need to be modified for some things to be most effective. That does not make it the best thing going. It makes it one approach that can work if you choose to do it. But so does surgery and sometimes chemo and sometimes radiation. So do hundreds of other things, given the right circumstance.

I am not trying to confuse you, but simply make the statement that you should do what your heart tells you is right for you. Doctors do not have all the answers just as naturopaths or homeopaths or any other form of healer has all the answers. Not everything is curable all the time in every circumstance. Sometimes there is just nothing that can be done and the decision comes down to quality of life over length of life, if there is even that option.

Something else to note: Cancer is defined by the point of origin. My kidney cancer is still kidney cancer even when it spreads to the lymph system and to the liver. I did not develop some form of lymphoma or liver cancer. I had metastasized kidney cancer. This is a very, very important thing to keep in mind. If you have metastatic cancer, the point of origin defines the type of cancer no matter where it is at and it also defines the possible treatments. In my case for example, kidney cancer is refractive (not responsive to treatment) no matter where it is located. Lymphomas do respond to treatment frequently. So the difference is significant as to where the cancer begins and where it spreads to. Please keep this fact in mind while making decisions.

REFRACTIVE CANCER is something that does not respond to [conventional] treatment. Many types of cancer such as kidney, gallbladder, ocular melanoma, pancreatic, etc... are refractive in nature from the start. In essence this means that no matter what you choose to do with conventional medicine, if it cannot be removed completely with surgery, treatments will not work.

Many times non-refractive cancers change designations because they develop a tolerance to the treatments administered whether allopathic or natural. (They learn to adapt and overcome) When this happens to cancers in the case of synthetically produced drugs, frequently they can also destroy the body's ability to utilize other non-cancer drugs, even to the point of simple aspirin no longer working.

Be sure you fully discuss the ramifications of having treatments with advanced cancers that can become or are already refractive. More often than not, significant damage will be done to your body that merely hastens death or other disabilities at the price of horrific side effects from the treatments being administered. A double whammy, so to speak.

CURE is that word that everyone desires. In most instances it refers to a person who has not had any sign of cancer for 5 years after the last treatment given. The big issue here is whether or not there really is such a thing as a "cure" when discussing cancer. For the most part, this is a very disingenuous word. Cancer can return to your life at any moment for any number of reasons. Once you have battled it, you are forever susceptible to its wiles. Everyone has cancer cells floating about in their body all the time. Given the right stimulus, cancer as a growth, a malignancy can and will happen again and again.[4]

RELAPSE is what happens when the "cure" is no longer a cure, and the cancer has returned. A relapse can happen at any point in time, from a day to literally years after some form of remission is noted. This is why I object to the use of the word cure. A relapse of your cancer can happen in the same place it started or it can crop up anywhere in your body. It will happen wherever it finds a weakness to exploit. Consider this, if you please: you cannot cure something by treating the symptoms. A cure denotes knowing the exact cause and treating the cause so as to prevent it from happening again. No cancer has yet been defined as to its actual cause. There are many contributing factors, but the underlying cause of cancer is still unknown even with the tens of billions of dollars that have been poured into research over the last 50+ years.

REMISSION is a better choice of words when talking about dormant cancer activity. But even here there are shades of grey. To begin, there is a COMPLETE REMISSION. This is defined as whether or not there are any active cancer cells found in your body. If you stay in this state of not having any cancer cells located for a period of 6 months, you are in complete remission. Once the clock ticks away 5 years in the same state, you are then "cured" by most standards.

PARTIAL REMISSION is pretty much what the name suggests. The cancer in your body has lessened. Either the tumor size(s) has shrunk or there is less cancer found throughout your body. It has not all disappeared from view at this point. Each form of cancer has its own statistics, but generally speaking, a tumor must shrink by 50% and stay that way for 6 months.

Now comes a "new" definition of an old term: Because we want clinical trials to look like they hold promise, "partial remission" has been redefined to mean a 30% reduction, not 50% as with "accepted" treatments. So when you review a clinical trial on a new drug, WOW, YOU GOT A PARTIAL REMISSION MORE QUICKLY THAN EXPECTED! WHAT A BREAKTHROUGH! Except it is not comparing apples to apples.

PROGRESSIVE DISEASE is cancer that continues to grow after treatment has begun. In order to qualify for this, the growth must be at least 20%. The bottom line here is that either the tumor has gotten larger or the cancer has spread to other areas. Neither case is good news. The course of action you have chosen is not working.

STABLE DISEASE is cancer activity that does not qualify for remission or progressive status. It is either slowly growing or slowly shrinking but not enough to qualify for either category.

EVENT-FREE SURVIVAL is a term associated only with clinical trials. Here we go again with a unique set of qualifiers that tend to make experimental drugs look better, if possible. It refers to the length of time after a treatment where you remain free of certain "negative events" as they are termed. Some examples are: cancer progression or recurrence, severe side effects of the treatment itself, or death (truly a negative event) by either the cancer or side effects of the treatment. It does not have anything to do with comparing the length or quality of life to what a normal (non cancerous) life span would be.

PROGRESSION-FREE SURVIVAL is how long during and after treatment your cancer does not grow. In other words, this is a measure of any length of time where the cancer does not grow from the time treatments began. It does not have anything to do with the overall length or quality of life compared to a normal (non-cancerous) life span would be. You can have a significant length of time "progression free' and still die before a 5 year span is up. So, did you gain something if your life was no longer overall when compared to survival rates with the tumor slowly growing?

TOTAL SURVIVAL is the amount of time a person can expect to live before dying from any cause. Total survival shows the risk of dying from any given form of cancer when compared to dying from any other cause such as an accident or other illness. The calculation given is generally supposed to reflect how much time was lost from a normal lifespan that has cancer invade.

Example: Prostate cancer diagnosed in a man at the age of 90 will probably not be the cause of death in comparison to prostate cancer diagnosed in a man of 45. The 45 year old will stand a much greater chance of dying from his cancer if he does not seek some form of treatment than the 90 year old who in all likelyhood will die of some other ailment before the cancer kills him. This can have a major impact on what form (if any) of treatment to employ.

RELATIVE SURVIVAL is the amount of time a person can expect to live with a particular disease when compared to similar people of the same age who do not have that disease. Relative survival is supposed to give you an idea of how much any particular disease is expected to shorten your life. Relative survival reflects the death from the specific cancer and not other forms of death such as (secondary cancers, side effects of treatments, etc...). Usually it is calculated for the different stages of cancer as a percentage. Example: The overall 5 year survival rate for lung cancer is 15% (all stages put together). For people with stage 1 or 2, the chance of survival is actually 48% where stage 4 (metastatic growth outside the lungs) is only 3%.

I became disillusioned with what the doctors were saying when I actually began to understand the differences in terminology. After all, the overall 5 year survival rate for kidney cancer was nearly 25%. When we started to break that down by staging, the picture was not so pretty and the reality of my situation was closer to 2%.

Now I know that there is something to be said for "optimistic outlook" when discussing terminal situations and even 25% is not a great number, but if I had gone with my decision based upon that number, I would no longer have either kidney and statistically I would only have a little over 2 years left to live (average life on dialysis is 3.4 years).

So the decision became one of whether to try and make 5 years cancer free on dialysis before they looked for a transplant kidney or to look at alternative therapies that according to the doctors had absolutely no chance whatsoever. I chose alternatives because of the quality of life factor.

Once I understood what my chances of survival were, it made little sense for me to have surgery. The chances of the cancer, which had already spread from my kidneys to my lymph nodes and liver, just going away were nil even if the kidneys were removed. Therefore, with the cancer not responsive to conventional treatments and the chance of survival at less than 2% even with the kidneys removed, it made little sense to endure the pain of surgery and the balance of my days spend on dialysis, waiting to die.

I therefore saw only alternative therapies as the logical choice. This is MY DECISION FOR MY SPECIFIC CASE. You should take time and analyze your own specific set of circumstances in the same way before just jumping into a course of action. MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION AND THEN STICK WITH IT!

As I started to dig, I studied not only the cancer type I had, but also all forms of treatments currently applied including those in clinical trials. At this point in time, I had not ruled out conventional medicine and I wanted as much information as I could possibly gather. I was not successful in gathering much from my doctors which was a great source of irritation. Most of the time, all I heard was that we would go ahead with the procedures and there was plenty of time to discuss the situation once I was "stable" and the kidneys were removed.

Again, returning to the notes I had taken from the 69 people I talked to plus looking over what the doctors had told me, I made some further deductions. Everyone on alternatives said that diet was a key to survival. Only 2 people out of 51 with conventional treatments thought diet played any role in survival. (Do we see a pattern?) Of the 18 on natural regimens, 16 juiced vegetables and fruits to add nutrition. All diets of these 18 people restricted meat, sugars, and starches. (another pattern)

I purchased 3 books on juicing fruits and vegetables, but nothing initially that dealt with cancer. I purchased a dozen books on diet and nutrition with several of them specifically dealing with cancer. I found most of them not really filling the bill in that they utilized sugars in some form quite frequently along with a number of heavily starched meals which seemed very contradictory from one author to another. This then fueled further investigations.

I stumbled across D'Adamo's book on eating according to blood type [Amazon partner link, commissions earned]. Although he lists data gathered by himself and his father before him as to the logic of what he was doing, it still seemed to lack something. I did a bunch of elimination testing on the most common foods we fixed at home and threw out a number of things that seemed to cause problems. This helped in the overall feeling body-wise, but it also seemed to contradict a lot of the "EAT RIGHT FOR YOUR TYPE" pronouncements as to what should be viable with my blood type. In the end, I used the generalized list and tested against it and found that most things were acceptable by virtue I did not have allergic reactions.

I did eliminate all processed sugars, 90% of the meat I was eating, and virtually everything that is processed food. I also started to utilize the glycemic index to identify how fast sugars metabolized in the body so as to further restrict the diet to only natural sugar sources that released slowly. The concept was to make my body digest foods and utilize them in the most advantageous method.

I also studied the concept of raising ph levels by foodstuffs and found this the most logical way to proceed. When I initially tested my [presumably urine] pH levels, I was consistently at 4 and probably would have been lower, but the test paper we had did not go any further down the scale. By eating foods high in alkaline ash content[5], it took about 2 months overall to get my pH levels up to the 6.5–7 range where they should be.

Further into the process, I found that watermelon and beets were virtual shortcuts to pH spiking up, especially on days where the levels were low or days that I was eating meat which also tended to drag the pH level down. The more vegetables I ate, the better off I was.

There does tend to be a raging debate over raw vs. cooked vegetables. Some things are actually better for you if they are not cooked. Some are better when cooked. A little common sense goes a long way and ultimately it comes down to either steaming vegetables rather than boiling them to death or eating raw.

I do a lot of Chinese style cooking, so stir fry is big in our house. We eat predominately hot and spicy foods, so sugar added to cooking was not much to give up as it was not there to begin with. This will be a tough step for many, many people.

As a matter of fact, the single hardest thing to control will be your choice of foods to eat. There will be absolutely nothing harder about surviving cancer than changing a long-engrained lifestyle of fast foods, fried foods, high starch foods, and lots of meat.

Do not feel that it is absolutely necessary to give up all meat forever. I cannot foresee a time when I would be a complete vegetarian, but the days of one-pound steaks and the like are past. Meat becomes a condiment and I can live with that, literally. There are a number of books and tons of documented research on the subject of pH levels and how they affect your general wellbeing.

I could literally write a hundred or more pages on the subject, but this is not the time for that. Please spend time in research on this. It will become a key player in self testing that can tip you off if something is starting to go off wire. Find a copy of the book Alkalize or Die by Theodore A. Baroody [Amazon partner link, commissions earned]. It is a good place to start understanding the importance of good nutrition in your overall health program.

As I walked through all the materials I could find on juicing, I started preparing green vegetable juices on a daily basis. As time progressed, I added beet juice because of the incredible pile of studies done that back its cancer-fighting properties. I then ran into the book by Rudolph Breuss (Austrian healer) called the BREUSS CANCER CURE [Amazon partner link, commissions earned] that utilizes much of what I was already doing for juicing.[6]

It did add, however additional quantity limitations of the juice and a regimen of a 42-day fast including several specialized teas. I cannot emphasize enough the need for investigating this book and its program if you are considering a natural protocol for the treatment of cancer.[6] What I am finding is that when combining a number of supplements with the juicing program, there is a highly effective potential means of dealing with any form of cancer. Again, if I had not done what I did, the Breuss regimen with additional supplements would be the way I would have chosen.

ONE MORE TIME! You and you alone are responsible for curing yourself. I cannot do it. Your doctor cannot cure you. Nor can your friends or anyone else. No pill, powder, liquid or drug of any kind can cure you. Your job is to build up your body and your body will cure the disease.

This is not to say that the wisest choice when dealing with many forms of cancer is to ignore conventional medical wisdom. It means that there is a choice for you to make. There is more to survival than just what the doctor says. You have to make a decision as to whether or not what is being offered is the best thing going or not. Study diligently. Weigh all the choices carefully. Do not just blindly grab at anything.

The body is an incredible God-designed machine, capable of healing itself with an occasional assist. For the most part, there is no need to add synthetic drugs to make it work better. To the contrary, almost all synthetics are poisonous even down to the toothpaste we use every day. If you doubt me, just pick up any regular toothpaste tube and look at the WARNING on the back. It will tell you that fluoride which is added to help protect teeth is indeed a poison and if you swallow your toothpaste it can potentially kill you.[7]

Every type of pill, ointment, cream, or liquid medicine whether prescription or over the counter has overdose warnings. Even simple aspirin can potentially be life-threatening if you consume too much.[19]

Now, show me the same type warning label on natural foods. Show me that kind of a warning on a bottle of vitamin C. Show me a warning label on a head of Romaine lettuce or a pineapple or an orange. It does not exist because these are natural products that are not toxic to the body. That is the difference.

Literally hundreds of foods have the potential to help your body cure itself of disease. How about just one example: For centuries it has been known that oranges (citrus fruit in general) can cure scurvy, once the great killer of seamen. Yet today if you were to hold up an orange and proclaim that it would cure scurvy, you are in violation of Federal law from the FDA that states only a pharmaceutical drug can treat or cure an illness. So by proclaiming the orange, which for centuries has done exactly that, to be a "cure", you are breaking the law of the land and subjecting yourself to arrest and prosecution. Just remember the old adage, "I'm from the government and we're here to help." NOW, what is wrong with this picture?

The short course on eating right appears to be primarily brightly colored vegetables as the predominate food source. If you can find and afford it, the nutrient quality is vastly superior when using organically grown foodstuffs.[8] If this is not possible or affordable[9], wash everything thoroughly.

Do not purchase canned food as many unlisted preservatives (actually over 1,700 different chemicals can be added to your foods without having to list them on the label) as well as the ones listed plus salt are always present. Do not consume preservatives. They are man-made chemicals that in large quantity are lethal just like your toothpaste. By the way, this course of action will rule out restaurant eating, for the most part. Fast food places are totally part of the past, if you plan to survive your cancer.

Limit your fruit intake because of the sugar loading. Cancer loves sugar.[10] You do not need to be feeding your cancer.

One of the tragedies I have run into thus far during the journey to health is that every single doctor prior to my current physician saw no benefit in eating healthy. I have even run into doctors that told me to eat a healthy diet is just feeding the tumors better and making them grow faster.

NOTHING CAN BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. There are literally thousands upon thousands of scientifically conducted medical studies that all show the nutrients derived from food are not only good for you, but most probably the best way to defeat all forms of disease.

Yet you will not hear this from the medical community at large. Why? Much is ignorance on their part as most doctors have never had a course in nutrition.

Another part of the puzzle is how much money has been paid out by the pharmaceutical industry to promote only drugs as cures. I am not a conspiracy theory person, but I will tell you this much: everything in modern medicine is driven by money, not curing disease.[11] That is a very broad and general statement with far-reaching ramifications.

Think just a moment on the silly idea that if diseases were cured, there would be very little need for drugs and a 2.3 TRILLION dollar per year business would just go away. That is not to say that the alternative medicine field is not driven by money also.[12] But their numbers are not as impressive; only .7 TRILLION dollars per year. Still quite enough money to have the same motivational factors involved. Be careful in what treatment plan you choose. This is for your life and not a means of filling someone's pockets at your expense. Choose wisely.

As to diet, eating, etc... I have learned that not just what you eat, but also how you combine the foods you eat is important.[13]

If you insist on eating acid and alkaline foods together, you essentially do a chemistry no-no and cancel out the digestive effort for the most part. Wayne Pickering publishes a great set of charts that are cheap and easy to read. I would encourage you to invest $12 or so in a chart and post it on your refrigerator so you can learn what is most advantageous to your body.

Make the least amount of work for your body and its immune system. Right now you are fighting a major disease and all available resources should be directed to that end. If you waste effort on simple things like digesting food, you are squandering valuable time and resources on things not directly benefiting your wellbeing.

Another thing studied at length was what to drink. For a whole lot of reasons prior to cancer, I quit drinking coffee. I miss it, but not enough to take it up again. There is a raging debate over whether or not coffee is something that you can drink with cancer. It does put additional stress on your immune system and body in general and from that standpoint alone, you would be much better off not drinking it at all. And, it is not just the caffeine that is the problem; it is the oils present even in decaf coffee.

Next on the list is dairy products. If you are lactose-intolerant, you are just causing yourself all kinds of extra stress and strain. Don't do it. Even if you can tolerate milk sugars, it is much wiser not to do so because of the extra problems your body goes through just to process dairy products in the first place.

Soda is a really big issue. ALL pop should disappear from the menu forever. The sugar kind because of the sugar and the artificially sweetened kind because of all the well-documented health risks associated with its usage.

Learn to love good water. As to water: if it comes from the tap, don't drink it. That really does apply to well water as well as treated city water supplies. Use reverse osmosis at the minimum. It is preferable to drink only distilled water because there actually is a negative charge placed upon it when being created. This negative charge helps with cellular fluid exchanges to flush toxins from the body.

Especially in the treated water systems, you should even filter your bath/shower water. The skin on your body is the single, largest organ you have. Chemicals (fluoride and chlorine in the water can and readily are absorbed through your skin every time you bathe. That can be just as much of an issue and probably more when you get right down to it, than what you drink.[14]

Sleep is a key factor. I was someone who never, ever stayed in bed more than 3 or maybe 4 hours per night. (Drove my wife absolutely nuts) Did that virtually all my life. Never felt the effects until I had this little problem with terminal cancer show up. Your body needs to rebuild itself and it cannot do that on less than 6 to 8 hours of sleep minimum per day. You cannot make up for lost sleep time. Once gone, it cannot be recouped. I wish I had learned this lesson much earlier in life. There are of course times when 8 hours in the sack is not possible. But that does not mean it should be the norm.

Part of surviving is developing a method of testing that can tell you what is going on inside your body. Generally the most important thing you can do for yourself is learn all about blood tests and what they signify. Depending on the type of cancer you have, there may be a number of different cancer markers already known. But not every cancer has a specific marker and not every marker is foolproof.

Many times other types of diseases can trigger a false positive in a marker or even mask the marker giving a false negative. With kidney cancer, there are no specific cancer markers. Therefore it was necessary to come up with some way to monitor the blood condition so it was not necessary to have CT scans all the time.[18] This took a little effort, but has turned out to be a very valuable thing for all forms of cancer.

It will become evident with the tests I have chosen that I am again looking at the whole body, not just the cancer. You need your liver and your kidneys at full functional capacity to deal with cancer, or any major disease for that matter, effectively. Therefore, part of what we test and monitor for all cancers is how those organs function. We will also want to look at inflammation and angiogenesis. Cancer needs inflammation to help feed it and it also needs angiogenesis activity to feed it. If these things are in normal range, cancer cannot flourish.

So in addition to having any regular blood panels run as found on typical testing routines and any actual cancer markers that might be present for your type of cancer, you should ask your doctor to also run LD, GGT(p), SED Rate, C-Reactive Protein, and CEA tests. Initially have these run monthly. These will tell if there is any problem starting to show up in the liver (filter function issues that are critical to general health and early sign of infections) and fever type conditions that do occur with cancer from the onset.[15]

Most doctors do not run these, but when combined with regular blood testing, they provide an extremely accurate picture of what is happening. After 6 months, test quarterly. After 2 years move out to semi-annual tests. If cancer re-occurs, then add Interleukin 6 testing to the regimen as that will show the propensity for the cancer to create angiogenesis to feed itself.

SUPPLEMENTS, SUPPLEMENTS, SUPPLEMENTS. Do we or do we not supplement once cancer is in remission? To each his own, but if you have your diet adjusted to the point of 90% vegetable (or more) and you no longer eat table sugar, white (bleached) flour products, artificially sweetened soft drinks, no processed foods including meats, you don't drink the water that comes right out of your tap, and almost no restaurant dining, PLUS and this is a big PLUS here, you continue to juice green vegetables at least 2 or 3 times per week and probably beets once per week, forget the supplements. The natural nutrients derived from proper eating and the juicing of vegetables will be all that you should ever need for the rest of your life. I will throw in a couple of caveats here.

For the first 4 to 6 months after remission is proclaimed, I would use roughly 3000 mgs daily of curcumin C-3, 600 mgs of feverfew, 1200 mgs of grapeseed extract, 3600 mgs of N-AC (N acetyl-cysteine — precursor glutathione) 1200 mgs of milk thistle extract plus 5 mgs of naltrexone, and 9 mgs of melatonin. I would then discontinue all of this except the naltrexone and the melatonin. Those I am on for life as should be you. They will be what keeps your immune system at the top of its game and again keeping cancer at bay is a matter of your entire body being well. This is not a program to keep anyone on supplements in lieu of proper nutrition. That is a mistake of the first order.

I am planning on doing in the spring of each year probably 2 to 3 weeks of the Breuss juice fast. That alone could keep me from having any form of reoccurrence. It would be something for you to very seriously consider doing as well.

Now you have a very short synopsis of what I did for myself and why I did it. Again this is not to say it will work for everyone. I do not believe that for a moment you should adapt any plan without really studying what is happening inside it. Know why each supplement does what it does. Know the effects of dosage levels. Taking the right thing but in the wrong amount is not a key to success. Too much is just as dangerous as too little, even if it is the right thing. Once again, MORE IS NOT NECESSARILY BETTER!

Do not choose a protocol that has only one or 2 key elements. Cancer can mutate around those simple things and if it does, you lose the game. Redundancy is the surest way to success, but not the only path. And above all, nutrition will be the key to long-term survival. Do not go back to what you did before the cancer. Part of that is exactly what got you to the place you find yourself in now. Why repeat a disastrous pattern?

If you choose to go with allopathic treatments, be sure you find the best doctor for the job, not just the next one in line. Do not have surgery from someone who only does a couple of procedures like you need per year. You want someone who does them routinely.

If you choose radiation or chemo, then pick the man with the most up-to-date information on what the protocol he has in mind actually does. Be sure you are fully aware of all the side effects and what the real probability of surviving is. Be sure that the side effect issue is known for 10 or 20 years down the road. Most of this stuff has now been done for decades and there is enough data out there to tell you what bad things can happen in the future as a result of the actions taken today. Age will make a great deal of difference in the choices made. Be sure to weigh all decisions carefully. In most circumstances, you will not get a second or third go at the brass ring.[16]

Now, more than anything else, appreciate the life that God has granted you. See the beauty that is all around. Listen to the laughter of children. Take long walks in quiet places. Enjoy the great outdoors. Do all the things you never had time before to do. Death is a really permanent condition for this body. Once it happens, you will never, ever have the opportunity to enjoy what life has to offer. The writer of Hebrews sums it up well in chapter 9, verse 27:

"For it is appointed unto men but once to die..."

My final thought on surviving cancer comes from Matthew 6:25-34:

"For this reason I say unto you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will he not much more clothe you? Oh ye of little faith! But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

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1 See Malignant tumors arising de novo in immunosuppressed organ transplant recipients, The transplanted kidney as a source of cytomegalovirus infection, Terminal infections in renal transplant patients in a tropical environment (affecting 84% of transplant patients), Cytomegalovirus-induced diabetes mellitus in a renal allograft recipient, Post-renal transplant diabetes mellitus — a retrospective study.

2 You can read up on the Rife machine under History of Alternative Cancer Treatment (2).

3 One thing this kidney cancer victor did not (or not consistently) use is the power of the mind. Another kidney cancer survivor who actually carried a 20-pound tumor did just that and went into complete remission, see How & Why Guided Imagery Works: Cancer victor describes psycho-neuro-immunological background.

4 But there are also those who had cancer once and will NEVER get it again, and some of them will turn into centenarians.

5 Compare Acid-Forming & Alkaline-Forming Food Table.

6 Also see Two cases of stomach cancer healed with the Breuss Cancer Cure plus other cancers and diseases healed with the Breuss diet.

7 See On fluoride and fluoridation causing/contributing to cancer and Toothpaste: hazardous to dental and bodily health?.

Compare Negative experiences in the alternative cancer treatment field.

8 Compare Quality matters: organic vs conventional food and cancer.

9 But see How to eat organic on the cheap.

10 Compare On the Link Between Sugar Consumption and Cancer.

11 See On Cancer Business & the Cancer Industry and Insider proves pharmaceutical industry puts money / profits before patients' health —— and life.

12 See Negative experiences in the alternative cancer treatment field.

13 See Proper Food Combining Table.

14 Chlorine has an additional possibly very serious disadvantage, see On the link between cancer & water chlorination Cancer-fighting nutrients deadly combined with chlorinated tap water.

15 Fever can be beneficial and even help put cancer in remission, see Fever [Hyperthermia] and the healing of cancer.

16 Compare Potential Serious Side Effects of Conventional Cancer Treatment Chemo/radiotherapy or surgery effects doctors might not have told you about.

17 Re the claimed scientific nature of medicine, compare the enlightening article Can modern medicine justifiably claim to be a science?

18 This seems to be a wise decision since Whole-body CT scans can increase cancer risk.

19 For potential dangers of aspirin and other OTC chemical painkillers, see Allopathic remedies for dental pain.

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