Help with Damages

Tips how to deal with nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy

and start rebuilding the patient's energy

by Healing Cancer Naturally © 2006 & 2007 Copyright Notice

While Healing Cancer Naturally for many reasons does not endorse the use of chemotherapy as a cancer treatment such as ineffectiveness, serious toxicity and side effects, here are some tips and natural non-toxic medicines for cancer patients who have chosen to go for chemo — but particularly for those who have decided to take their health into their own hands by adopting nutritional-dietary and other lifestyle changes but who suffer from after-effects of their previous chemotherapy treatment such as the common side effect nausea and emesis [vomiting], concomitant weakness, loss of energy and dizziness.

Apan mushroom

Many users have reported that supplements containing the medicinal Apán mushroom have helped them better deal with the side effects of conventional cancer treatment. Surprisingly, there are also a number of cancer healing reports attributed to using this natural treatment, including in combination with chemotherapy.

Herbs against nausea due to chemotherapy: German Chamomile, ginger, Black Horehound

German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) and Black Horehound (Ballota nigra) are particularly helpful herbs since they both help relax the intestinal area.[1]

German Chamomile, frequently referred to as the "mother of the gut", has relaxing, anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, and pain-relieving properties that work both effectively and gently enough for even a child. Instructions: use one teaspoon of dried chamomile or horehound per cup of boiling water and allow to steep for 15 minutes.

Ginger tea, made by simmering a teaspoon of the chopped fresh root in a cup of water for 15 minutes, is also effective in relieving nausea and vomiting, but because of its stimulating properties, is best taken with food or sipped by the tablespoon. Ginger's and chamomile's effect against chemotherapy-induced nausea has been verified in research studies.[2]

Some authors such as Thomas Bartram in "Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine" feel that impaired kidney, liver and pancreas function can increase the severity of vomiting but that natural treatments allow to strengthen and restore better functioning to these organs.

One of the best "multi-purpose" herbs to help these vital organs is dandelion, one of our "weeds" boasting the widest range of therapeutic benefits, many of which have been scientifically confirmed.[3] Dandelion can be taken as a salad, tea, a tincture made from the root, and in other forms.

Medicinal hemp oil / natural THC / medical marijuana / cannabis / cannabinoid oil

In addition to its many historical uses for various diseases, medical marijuana extract has also been successfully employed for healing cancer.[4]

According to a study from 2013[5], the cannabis-derived pharmaceuticals Dronabinol and Nabilone "are indicated for the treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy".

Note: Searching the PubMed biomedical database (which only lists scientifically validated research) for terms such as "nausea chemotherapy cannabis cannabinoid cancer" (in various combinations) will yield hundreds of results.

Vitamin B 17

See Vitamin B 17 against cancer (Laetrile/Amygdalin/Nitrilosides): noteworthy details on effectiveness, sources, dosages, and some caveats.


The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center devotes an entire page to acupressure for nausea and vomiting showing in detail which point to press.

Some personal advice found on the internet: "The easiest acupressure point to find for treating nausea is on the back of the mandible/jaw; just below the ear — the vertical part — push forward... as if you’re pushing the lower jaw out like an underbite. Push gently but firmly till you get a twinging ache, then hold it gently for a few minutes. Acupuncture, however, is more powerful than acupressure so look for a practitioner in your area. Let him know about the cancer & other symptoms. There are many problems he can work on in the same session. (credits: Deb)


Searching PubMed currently (9/2020) brings up 282 results for the search terms acupuncture+chemotherapy+nausea.[6]

In patients undergoing chemotherapy or surgery who received acupuncture, studies found not only decreased nausea and vomiting but also a measure of pain relief.

EFT[7]: Highly recommended DIY acupressure

Quotes from two EFT success reports: “... she had not really believed that anything was going to be able to help her extreme nausea.” “... my sincere gratitude for your help in dealing with the side effects associated with the chemotherapy I receive ... I was experiencing dizziness, due to low blood counts, and nausea, due to the chemo. Through EFT I was able to bring down both uncomfortable feelings from levels nearing 10 (i.e. maximum) to 3 or below. I was and am truly amazed at the effects of EFT.”

Even “surrogate tapping” has been reported as successful in an extreme case of nausea (not chemo-induced) where the person concerned was too ill to talk or tap for himself.


A full-strength dose of Ipecacuanha reportedly causes vomiting while in a very diluted dose, Ipecacuanha becomes a remedy for controlling nausea and vomiting.


See Qigong & chemotherapy side effects: an anecdotal experience.


The above-quoted PUBMED database contains at least one study which found music to be highly therapeutic against nausea and vomiting.[8] Quote:

"Heart rate has decreased in 77% ..., and the reduction of nausea occurred in 100% of patients after the first musical experience, and in 85% after the second one."

Incidentally, the same beneficial effect of music therapy was observed in postoperative patients.

Hypnosis, hypnotherapy, suggestion and biofeedback

Hypnosis, suggestions and biofeedback can provide effective help with numerous issues associated with emotions, habits und unconscious physical responses and can also help against chemotherapy-induced nausea.[9] The cheapest methods are self-hypnosis and autosuggestion.[10]

Negative magnetic fields

William H. Philpott MD reports in The Magnetic Answer For Cancer that applying specific magnetic fields (including sleeping on a negative-poled magnetic bed pad) has healed cancer and alleviated the side effects of chemotherapy, respectively.

Guided imagery

Mental techniques such as guided imagery have also successfully been used for relieving nausea and vomiting in cancer patients treated with chemotherapy.[11]

Color therapy

A most dramatic healing report re uncontrollable diarrhea is reported at I would suggest trying a similar approach for nausea:

"In 1897, Dinshah [P. Ghadiali] was presented with a unique opportunity to apply these theories in order to save the life of a woman who had been given up for dead by her orthodox physicians and was merely hours away from death.

When all other conventional avenues were exhausted, Dinshah saved this woman's life by the application of colored light directed to portions of her nude body using a blue colored glass bottle and light from a kerosene lantern as his sole source of illumination. The woman ... was dying of mucous colitis.

She was losing all of her vital fluids because of almost constant diarrhea; which occurred up to a hundred times a day. Dinshah also exposed to the sun, the same blue colored bottle filled with milk and gave it to her to drink.

After the first day of treatment, her urge to evacuate reduced from a hundred times a day down to ten. After three days, she was able to get out of bed and soon recovered completely. Needless to say, her doctors were dumbfounded.

Following this remarkable experience, it took Dinshah an additional 23 years to fully integrate and focus on his theories of Spectro-Chrome color therapy that history would show to be his greatest (and almost lost) contribution to humanity."

Color therapy apparently has also been used to heal cancerous tumors. The sun of course provides the full spectrum but there seems to be great value in selectively "applying" parts of the spectrum as well — as shown in the above example — to both heal physical, emotional, and other challenges.


One might also try Bach flower remedies (an energetic or vibrational healing tool) or aromatherapy where one would just use smells or oil massages (use natural organic essential oils only).

To start rebuilding the cancer patient's energy & health naturally

Healing Cancer Naturally highly recommends the Lactic-acid-fermented food treatment for cancer according to Dr. Dr. Johannes Kuhl. Implementing Dr. Johanna Budwig’s Healing Diet & Protocol, in several ways an offshoot and enlargement of the Kuhl diet, has been anecdotally reported to have rapid effects in terms of energy and well-being as well as apparently to result in complete remissions. Similar to the Kuhl diet, it is based on simple and inexpensive nutritional and lifestyle improvements and thus addresses and implements some of the major factors in cancer development and healing this and other disease.

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1 Tip originaly found on ml&cart_id=200807.1803

2 For instance in Effect of Ginger and Chamomile on Nausea and Vomiting Caused by Chemotherapy in Iranian Women with Breast Cancer.

3 Compare the detailed listing under Taraxacum (dandelion) medicinal effects Scientific research studies show wide-ranging therapeutic potential, Part 3.

4 See Free cancer cure videos (scroll to "Hemp [Cannabis/Medical Marijuana]")

5 The pharmacologic and clinical effects of medical cannabis, published in Pharmacotherapy

6 such as Wrist-ankle acupuncture and ginger moxibustion for preventing gastrointestinal reactions to chemotherapy: A randomized controlled trial.

7 See Introduction to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique): Healing Mind and Body By Reestablishing Healthy Energetic Flow.

8 Use of musical experiences as therapy for symptoms of nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy (2014) (Free full text available in Portuguese)

9 See Hypnosis for nausea and vomiting in cancer chemotherapy: a systematic review of the research evidence.

10 A free "affirmations flasher" can be downloaded here.

11 See Guided imagery effects on chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting in Iranian breast cancer patients. Also see Detailed background on Guided imagery for healing.

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