Cancer Glossary & Scientific Reference

Kidney and Bladder Cancer

Renal cancer

compiled by Healing Cancer Naturally from material © Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Adenocarcinoma of the kidney, which arises in the epithelium lining the renal tubules, is the most common primary malignancy affecting this organ. It is more common in men than in women and is observed to appear during the fifth and sixth decades of life.

Although its causes remain to be determined, a number of retrospective epidemiologic studies implicate an association with cigarette smoking.

An important manifestation is blood in the urine (hematuria), which may be painless or accompanied with flank pain. Tumours are large and bulky and may occupy a large portion of the kidney.

Renal adenocarcinoma spreads by direct extension to adjacent tissues, and metastasis occurs to lung and bone by way of the lymphatics and the bloodstream. Some tumours may become quite large, however, without any evidence of metastasis.

The mean survival rate following surgical removal is about 35 percent. A special type of kidney cancer that occurs in infancy and early childhood is often first discovered as a mass by a parent while bathing a child.

These cancers, called nephroblastoma, or Wilms' tumour, arise from abnormal embryonic tissue and involve both connective tissue and epithelial cells. They can spread both by direct invasion and by the lymphatics and the bloodstream. Early diagnosis and combined surgical removal and radiation therapy give favourable results, with a cure rate of about 80 percent.

For “alternative” kidney cancer healing testimonials and related information, see for instance Intravenous Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Infusion in Cancer Treatment, How & Why Guided Imagery Works, Metastasised kidney cancer (83 year old patient back to leading a normal life thanks to supplements, fresh juices and low-sugar diet), as well as Can sungazing heal cancer? and Dr. Hamer interview discussing inter alia the "Iron Law of Cancer".

For some of the numerous risks (including death) involved in orthodox cancer treatment (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery), see Potential side effects of conventional oncology your doctor may not have told you about as well as the detailed coverage of major aspects of mainstream cancer therapy that even your physician/oncologist may not be aware of at Why alternatives?.

Bladder cancer

compiled by Healing Cancer Naturally from material © Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

In the United States bladder tumours account for about 6 percent of all cancers, while in Zimbabwe, Egypt, and Iraq bladder cancer constitutes about 40 percent of all cancers. The disease is three times more frequent in men than in women.

Naphthylamine and other chemicals used in the production of dyes are known to cause bladder cancer. A metabolite of the amino acid tryptophan is also carcinogenic and may represent one of the means by which bladder cancer appears in people having no contact with the chemical industry.

Chronic conditions of the bladder, such as infestation by the parasite Schistosoma, found in the Middle East and Africa, and developmental defects that predispose a person to the formation of bladder stones and infection are also considered high-risk factors. Hematuria is the most important symptom associated with this disease. Tumours often begin as benign lesions (papillomas), which become progressively more aggressive, with a high tendency to recur, and finally assume the behaviour of malignancy.

The majority are carcinomas of transitional-cell epithelium, which lines the bladder; a much smaller number are squamous-cell cancers, which arise as a consequence of the modulation of transitional epithelium to squamous epithelium by factors and mechanisms that remain obscure.

The tumours can be treated successfully with early diagnosis and vigorous treatment. Once they invade the bladder wall and enter adjoining structures, however, the prognosis is poor.

For “alternative” bladder cancer healing testimonials and related information, see for instance Hope for Bladder Cancer Patients: Dr. Johanna Budwig Cure Testimonials, The bladder cancer cure reported in Lactic-acid-fermented food treatment for cancer according to Dr. Dr. Johannes Kuhl, Successful Alternative Cancer Treatment: Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder Healed, Dr Eduard Salzborn's terminal cancer cures, native cancer therapy & prevention formula mainly consisting of aloe and honey and Two Bladder Cancer Cures Achieved via Water Fasting.

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