
Urine therapy as a cancer cure: testimonials

A survey of healing reports in the uropathy literature

Copyright © March 2013 Healing Cancer Naturally

An impressive number of reports and testimonials testify to the value of uropathy in the healing of cancer, either as an adjunct or a stand-alone treatment, including urine and water fasting. However, not all of the authors featured in the following necessarily consider uropathy a stand-alone treatment for malignant disease in this (toxic and depleted) day and age — nor does Healing Cancer Naturally.

Swiss doctor Ulrich Werner Hasler for instance considers urine treatment complementary to other approaches such as homeopathy, acupuncture etc., while Western uropathy pioneer John W. Armstrong felt that after radiation treatment, uropathy was powerless to heal cancer (compare however the statement by the radiologist made under Combatting radiation poisoning tips who eliminated his own radiation poisoning with urine treatment).

Whatever the case may be — the following summary reports are simply meant to encourage the reader to further investigate this most simple of healing modalities which truly is within reach of everyone and which undeniably has effected powerful cures in many diseases including truly desperate cases.

Note: all the English-language authors and books mentioned below are featured in Books on urine therapy.

Cancer healing testimonials thanks to urine therapy: India

Many cancer cures have been attributed to urine therapy in India (see e.g. Terminal liver cancer cured via urine [shivambu] and juice therapy). Prominent figures such as former Indian Prime Minister Morarji Desai (1896–1995), who practised shivambu therapy himself and attributed his good health to it, personally confirmed having seen cases of cancer, diabetes, kidney failure and others healed by urine therapy.

Another Indian, Dr. G. K. Thakkar, thanks to urine therapy recovered from a number of decade-old complaints and decided to devote his life to the propagation of this forgotten healing modality.

Among other things, Dr. Thakkar wrote the book "Wonders of Uropathy" (listed in Books on urine therapy) in which he mentions that the Sunday edition of the Gujarat Samachar (Gujarati newspaper) reported in December 1988 a total of 33 cancer cure cases owed to urine therapy, including names and addresses.

Shoban Vasani, Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery and author of ten books on urine therapy, published one specifically devoted to cancer called "Hundred cancer cure cases" (in Gujarati language).

Dr B. V. Khare, a professor of surgery who wrote the foreword to Dr. Thakkar's book "Wonders of Uropathy" reports having treated 3,000 cases with this approach.

The first one was a patient with lymph node cancer whom the famous Tata Hospital (Mumbai, India) had hardly given 18 months to live. Dr. Khare hesitatingly suggested shivambu treatment and to his amazement, the malignant glands in the neck disappeared in a few months, with the patient continuing to do fine twenty years later.

Dr Khare suggested that his colleagues give urine therapy a fair try — at least in diseases such as cancer and others which are considered incurable.

Dr Vasant P Mehta MD MS CFPS FICS who taught medicine and surgery in a leading Bombay (Mumbai) medical college said that urotherapy played a major role in his recovery from throat cancer.

For a throat cancer remission testimonial achieved by taking a powerful herbal supplement, read Apán medicinal mushroom in complementary cancer care: superior herbal formula — many cancer remission testimonials.

Following are several more cancer cure reports thanks to urine therapy owed to Indian authors.

Dr. S. R. Gala cancer cure cases

Dr. Gala, an ophthalmologist and author of the book "Auto-Urine Therapy", reports the following case of ear and liver cancer (which also is featured in the below-mentioned book by Coen van der Kroon):

Nanubhai K. Chitalia, Bombay (Mumbai), a 47 year old heavy smoker who suffered from asthma, found a knot under his ear in February 1976 which in March was diagnosed as cancer. He received medication and radiation treatment in the famous Tata hospital in Bombay.

While experiencing a number of side effects[1], he generally felt better until December 1977 when a new knot was discovered in his stomach. He developed fever which his family physician was unable to lower.

In February 1978 he was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer. He received injections (presumably chemotherapy) but was increasingly debilitated and lost half of his weight. He also developed painful and bleeding hemorrhoids. By April 1978 he was considered a "goner" and doctors decided to discontinue all treatment.

Around this time, a neighbour gave him the book Manav Mootra (Auto-Urine Therapy) by Ravjibhai (Raojibhai) Manibhai Patel. Since his hemorrhoids caused him the most pain, he began dabbing them 8 to 10 times daily with his own fresh urine.

Some two weeks later both pain and bleeding were gone, and encouraged by this success, he.started drinking half a glass of his morning urine. At this time, he still took the asthma drugs he had been prescribed.

Another ten days later, he noticed improvement in his asthma, and doubled his urine intake to two times a day. Ten days later, his appetite came back as well as his taste sensation which he had lost after receiving radiation treatment in 1977.

He further increased his urine intake to four times (750 ml) daily. His fever disappeared and he started drinking lots of water. Again he doubled the dose. Six weeks later he developed abdominal colics one night and voided stinking liquid stool containing first a reddish, then a blackish clumped mass. He started sleeping better than he had in a long time.

Another two weeks later, renewed colic attacks resulted in black masses coming out of him, repeated for ten days. Afterwards, he felt even better. He finally recovered fully, started eating again and gained weight, with no more tumors palpable during checkups in the hospital.

After two months, he was completely well. Even eight years later in 1984, he was alive and well and drank his urine seven to eight times a day.

Following his recovery, the former liver cancer patient offered the Tata hospital his assistance in healing four cancer patients with urine therapy, to be done under their supervision. His offer was refused.

A case of neck and armpit cancer

In January 1982, a 30 year old woman found a cancerous knot in her neck, and three months later another one under her arm. For one and a half years, she received radiotherapy and experienced a slight improvement.

In January 1984 however, another malignant knot was found in her leg, for which she was treated with chemotherapy. She experienced the usual side effects such as nausea, lack of appetite, pain, and fever[1], and her weight dropped to 34 kg (~75 lb).

In February 1985 she started on urine therapy taking it three times per day. The effect was miraculous, her fever subsided, her appetite returned after ten days, the hair she had lost regrew, she gained weight, and her vitality returned (reported in the spring of 1986).

Ravjibhai Manibhai Patel's cancer cure cases

The book Manav Mootra (Auto-Urine Therapy) by Ravjibhai Manibhai Patel (out of print) reportedly contains many cured cancer cases, among which

A case of suspected uvula cancer: a man of 40 underwent surgery but refused radiation treatment. With oral urine treatment, the surgery wound healed in four days, he gained weight and he felt vital as never before.

Anandkunj therapy center based in India

This holistic naturopathic healing center has published online (as of August 2017) three case studies of cancer cured: a case of gastro-intestinal stromal tumor (GIST), a case of duodenal cancer with secondary in the liver, and a case of breast cancer with left ovarian & omental metastasis, see http://urinecure.org/case-studies/ .

Also see Urine therapy cancer cure video testimonials published by the same therapy center.

The center's doctors also authored books on their work including "Efficacy of Auto-Urine therapy in Management of Cancer" and "Auto Urine Therapy".

John W. Armstrong's cancer cure cases

Armstrong was the first Western naturopath devoting a book to urine therapy. Published in the mid-1940s, his book The Water of Life: A Treatise on Urine Therapy (see Books on urine therapy) features a number of cancer cases which easily healed via urine fasting when no prior surgery or radiation had been received. These patients were frequently labelled incurable with a short life expectancy. All of them were healed.

Armstrong feels that it's often the very surgery which makes a tumor malignant[2] (also confer below "Armstrong's cancer successes confirmed by surgeon").

Urine therapy dissolves tumors or stops them from proliferating. The following are some sample cases from his book.

One 42-year-old woman with breast cancer: this person continued to be well 21 years later when Armstrong wrote his book.

A 40 year old woman with an egg-sized breast tumor and anemia fasted in spite of underweight and drank all her urine. Her husband rubbed her with her urine daily from head to toe and she received permanent urine packs on her breasts. She was healed after nine days as confirmed by her MD.

A nurse, age 60, had a tumor which had spread from her breast to her shoulder. She fasted for ten days taking all her urine. Her tumor hardly changed but her vitality returned and she died six years later after receiving allopathic treatment for a cold.

Another woman had tumors under her arm, which under similar treatment (via urine fasting) healed in five days. This cure was verified by her doctors and had been accomplished 18 years before the time of reporting.

A 28 year old man with esophageal cancer plus venereal disease was healed by urine fasting, this cure had been achieved 24 years earlier in 1944.

A 62-year-old woman with colon cancer whose weight had dwindled to 38 kg (~84 lb) was healed in three weeks (reported 22 years later).

Note on cancer pain

Armstrong's first cancer patient actually was a nurse who in the course of her career had cared for more than fifty cancer patients. This woman knew that any cancer pain was mild compared to that experienced from the regrowth commonly occurring after medical intervention (which in that time period did not yet include chemotherapy).

Armstrong's cancer successes confirmed by surgeon

Dr Rabagliati of Bradford, the surgeon quoted in Dr. Thakkar's Wonders of Uropathy, wrote that the surgical treatment of cancer was a failure. Having performed over 500 major cancer operations, he observed that rarely a patient survived very long post-surgery. Regarding the successes of auto-urine treatment in clinically confirmed cases of cancer, he wrote:

"I have examined a number of women who would have been operated on to have one or both of their breasts removed" but which "brave and fortunate mortals declined my advice" and opted for urine treatment instead.

"When they consulted again, I did not find as much as a scar of the incurable malignant growths. Some of the lumps disappeared within a fortnight and others in four days. Thus I think Mr Armstrong is probably correct in his suggestion that most of these lumps are not malignant until AFTER surgical and drug interference, and that in the incipient stage the disease can easily be cured by the auto-urine treatment" (Dr Thakkar adds here that he thinks this to be true for Aids as well).

Dr Rabagliati continues by writing that if however, "any layman claimed or produced a thousand cured cases on one platform... I doubt if it would impress my profession...even claims of the improvement of cancer victims" are either openly ridiculed or ignored.

"It is a sad reflection that my profession thrives on disease, and the inhuman propaganda of official scaremongering and the promise of to-morrow, some other day, or never, for the diseases my profession and others have so long exploited."

Beatrice Bartnett and Margie Adelman cancer cure cases

Bartnett and Adelman are the authors of the more recent book Miracles of Urine Therapy which among other diseases reports on the case of

Dr V.P. Mallikarjun of New Delhi, India, a trained physician who worked in surgery and inner medicine and who on 12 March 1986 was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer (cancer of the epiglottis). His cervical lymph nodes (in the neck) were enlarged. He received chemotherapy and a series of cobalt treatments, and finally was scheduled for surgery.

Between August and October 1986 Dr V.P.M. tried urine therapy. After using it for more than a month, his symptoms disappeared and by 5 October 1986, his disease was healed and the planned surgery cancelled.

What's more, he had regained the same energy and eagerness for work he had had 30 years prior, and the overall quality of his life had improved. (This case is also reported in Martha Christy's book featured below.)

A Swiss woman diagnosed with spinal cancer in 1983 received radiotherapy and Iscador which freed her of symptoms. In January 1986 however, metastases were discovered in her liver. Her doctors gave up on her. She underwent naturopathic treatment which made her better.

From November 1986, her condition worsened again and it was at this point that she started on morning urine and urine rubs. After five days, she felt better, and after a few weeks, she took up her work again. In 1987, her liver showed a light swelling and her whole body was itching, but she had no pain and otherwise felt good. She continued to drink her urine.

Bartnett's book also features letters from a woman who healed her uterus tumor within seven days of urine therapy, and from another claiming to have healed her metastasized liver cancer with urine therapy.

Dr. med. Ulrich Erwin Hasler cancer cure cases

In his book Die Apotheke in uns. Behandlung mit Eigenharn - eine bewährte Naturheilmethode [The Pharmacy Within Us - Auto-Urine Treatment - A Time-Tested Method of Natural Healing], Swiss MD Dr. Hasler reports:

A man with lung cancer in his right lower lobe refused surgery since his doctor had advised that even with a successful outcome, he would have difficulty climbing the stairs in his home afterwards. He took oral urine treatment, had urine massages done by his wife, plus some additional treatment [likely homeopathy]. He now feels great, looks healthy, and his weight is stable.

Without going into details, Hasler also mentions that melanoma was cured with urine therapy.

Dr Hasler adds a general note of caution not to regard urine as a panacea.

Coen van der Kroon cancer case (from his book Golden Fountain)

A 30 year old woman with a tumor in her neck which spread to her armpit. She received radiotherapy and developed a new tumor in her leg. She then underwent chemotherapy and experienced the usual "side effects".

Finally starting on urine treatment, she drank her urine only three times a day. Her fever abated after 10 days, and her appetite returned. She gained weight and her hair regrew which she had lost after radiation treatment. She now feels healthy.

Martha Christy ("Your own perfect medicine") cancer cure cases

Mr. L., diagnosed with Kaposi's sarcoma, cellulitis and edema, used urine therapy daily for three months internally and externally. He did not experience any detoxification symptoms with urine therapy and attributed it to the several weeks of high enemas (once weekly) he had taken before he began.

The water retention in his legs disappeared with urine therapy and the lesions on his legs opened and healed. A healthy diet plus auto-urine used both for fasting and externally kept his cancer in a state of remission.

Mrs. E. was diagnosed with cancer of the spine in the summer of 1983. Following radiotherapy her pain subsided. She went on to use some natural treatments by herself but was diagnosed with metastatic liver cancer three years later. Her doctors sent her home to die since there was nothing they could do for her apart from administering painkillers. In spite of trying another therapy her condition worsened and she developed hepatitis with high fever and great pain.

It was at this point that she resorted to urine therapy, drinking only her first morning urine. She felt more energetic by day 5, and by day 10, returned to her doctor who could not believe she was still among the living. She continues to drink her morning urine every day, and at the time of reporting her liver was slightly swollen, but she had no pain.

Martha Christy adds that another woman reported that she had an inoperable uterine tumor and drank all the urine she passed daily for seven days, at which time she said that her tumor had disappeared, "which may be an indication that larger amounts are required for dealing with such disorders".

A case of medically diagnosed adenocarcinoma of the chest with possible infiltration of the left lung "given" four months to live: hospitalized because his lung had filled with eight liters of bloody fluid and collapsed, and to add insult to injury, his bowels had stopped moving for a period of five days.

When he came across information on uropathy, he started ingesting his urine and "it was miraculous, my bowels immediately began to move again, I had five major bowel movements." He experienced major relief and the fluid production in his lung soon died down, to the attending physicians' disbelief.

While he was offered chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, he refused it all and went on to use a number of holistic approaches such as colonics, herbs, and similar things instead. He concluded by stating that he knew it was the internal and external use of urine which saved his life. (reported two years later)

Privately reported cancer cure cases

While these of course would be considered weakest since we have no confirmation that the person actually was diagnosed with cancer but simply have to trust the witness' word, two testimonials can be found at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/urinetherapy/_l930k3FExk (there could be more by the time you read this).

One concerned a case of terminal breast cancer which was cured in eight months by urine therapy (nothing else was done).

The other was a case of very advanced prostate cancer which was totally healed in under four months. The patient started with a six-day urine fast to test the method before surgery and, encouraged by the good results, continued with the therapy eating only light food, drinking his urine and doing one-hour urine massages every day.

Additionally, the above link contains astounding first-hand experiences of healing other conditions including avoiding a possible kidney transplant.

Book Die Heilkunst von Morgen cancer cure cases

Last but very far from least, the monumental book Die Heilkunst von Morgen [The Healing Art of Tomorrow] compiled by Erika Herbst reports (on page 924 of the 2002 edition) that kerosene (paraffin [UK]) and urine, respectively, were the most successful treatments for cancer reported by the c. 3000 members of Herbst's "naturopathy circle". (Compare my 22 "Greatest Hits" report.)

... and for the best, easiest, and least expensive ways I know to heal cancer

after studying the subject for some twenty years, click here.


1 For many more possible effects, see Potential Serious Side Effects of Conventional Cancer Treatment: Chemo/radiotherapy or surgery effects doctors might not have told you about: Chronic Radiation Enteritis, Chronic Radiation Proctitis, Death from Malnutrition or Heart Disease & Other Hazards

2 A feeling confirmed by the observations reported in Biopsy & Surgery Can Spread Cancer.

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